My little molly fry are so cute.


Fish Crazy
Jun 30, 2005
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She had them late last night or most likely early morning.
I saw six at one point... but when I started catching them I only found five. The five are in a breeding trap in my ten gal. Three are clear and very active. I even got one to eat some flake food today. Two are black, (like their mommy) slightly larger, and rseting on the bottom... like blobs. Just breathing. One's tail is moving a lot and occasionally he jumps up a bit. The other is lying with his face poking out of one of the slits in the breeding trap like a zombie. Are they just being weird because they were stressed from the move from the bowl to the breeder? If so they should be alright, correct? (particularly the more active black one)

I was extremely happy. I didn't even know she was pregnant.. and she looked like she had Ich which was the reason I had her seperated in the first place. But this morning the spots were gone. I'm going to name on of those babies Miracle and another one Surprise.

And while they were in the bowl with her she didn't try to eat them. Even after I fed her. What a good momma. So should I expect more to pop up over the next few days? Or maybe she ate some and had a small batch? Or is that just it?
They may be very stressed. How long did you acclimate them for? And what are the different water params? :)

Soem more may pop up...but since you said you didn't know she was pregnant, I'm thinking it was a small batch, so she didn't look very fat. She probably ate one or two though. The others she may not have been able to catch. :p

Oh yes, and instead of PMing you again, I'll say Congrats on the babies! Have fun being a mommy! :D
Uhm... not very long.... and the water's good. They're the same as they were in the bowl they were born in, and they were fine in the bowl. If they're stressed, will they die? When will I know if they will die? Tomorrow morning? I don't want them to die. :-( They're so cuteful....

Thank you! It's been an extremely long time since I've been one. :kana:
Not very long, eh? I would say you need at least an hour for fry. And what exactly are the water params, please? :)

If they are very stressed, yes, they could very possibly die. Probably by tomorrow evening they would have died. Now you know for next time...fry are sensitive, so long acclimation periods are very important. :thumbs:
Uhm.. *has not yet bought a test kit* :whistle:

Okay... well... hang on little buddies...

And next time could I just acclimate them in like... a ziploc bag?
Sure. That's what I do.

How could you say the water is fine if you don't have a test kit...? -_-
In my opinion, First you should get a test kit, and second, when my livebearers give birth, i just let them give birth in the main tank thus reducing the stress and then I simply scoop them up and acclimate them in my 5 gallon fry tank with water from the main tank, a heater, air, and filtration in it...
Because it is cleaned regularly and stuff.... :look:

I didn't remove her for birth. She had white stuff on her so I seperated her. I didn't even know she was pregnant. And I don't have a fry tank. I'm twelve years old. I'm not made of money.
Yeah....but that doesn't mean good water quality always. I'd say as soon as you can, buy a test kit. :)

I don't think you really need a fry tank right now unless you really want to be serious, or you have a lot of fry. 5 Fry in a breeder net should be okay for now. As long as they don't get I'd take them out as soon as they can go in the main tank. :thumbs:
Yeah. They're alright.... 's kinda cute.. when the big fish rush to the side of the breeder trying to get at them they all jump and cower in one corner. :rolleyes: They don't know that they can't be eaten yet.

One of the black ones is kind of hopping about now. I think he'll be alright. (I expected him to) The other black one's still a zombie. But when the other black one bumps him he can zip away pretty fast. I suppose that's a good sign?
Black molly baby number one has made a full recovery. :thumbs:
Number two, however, is about the same. But at least he's hanging in there.
Good to hear! Yay for Baby Number One! :D (That's not his actual it?)

And Good luck to Baby Number Two..Feel better soon! :thumbs:
Lmao no. Just what I've been calling it because I don't name my fry if I think they might die. I hold off. But now it'll have a name as soon as I can tell them all apart better. :S And black baby number two... well. Dunno. -waits-

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