My Little Babies


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2005
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and now...


Theyre 5 weeks old, probably a bit small for their age (if i remember correctly.. been a while since my last spawn :S ) because of heater problems early in life. also due to heater problems, only about 10, possibly less, lived. I got a new heater though, and moved their tank into my closet (ive turned my closet into a mini fish room haha) where it tends to be warmer, and the temp is staying pretty consistantly at around 78. Theres 4 who are larger, that one above is one of the bigger ones, the others are still pretty small. theres 2 white ones and 2 darker ones that are big - the others we arent sure where they went.... we think the big ones may have gotten too big and eaten them :blink: since they kinda disappeared... but we're thinking we might just be missing them, and theyll show up later.

now my question.

theres alot of debris from feeding i always have to clean up - im thinking it might be a good idea to get some sort of bottom feeder to eat up leftover brine shrimp. Do you have any suggestions? Would it hurt my babies? Thanks.
From what I've heard, but never tried, so please listen to others, most catfish produce enough waste that it pretty much negates the entire purpose of putting them in. Also, you have to consider that you are adding another species that these babies would normally never encounter, so there is always the chance of natural bacteria flora of the catfish being harmful to their sensitive little immune systems. I tend to be a fan of not adding any species a fish doesn't share a natural habitat with because of the chance of "incompatible" bacteria and commensal parasites; think europeans and native americans. :crazy: But, then again, aquarists do it every day with no problems, so I'm probably just paranoid.

Could you perhaps use a long, narrow pipette to suck up the debris?
I know some people on here have used snails to help with clean up, but I don't remember which kind.
I have been using airtubing to do siphoning :D but doing that every day and having to put in more water (which i have been told is bad when theyre young) becomes not only tedious but because i have to do it so often i start to worry, too, that its too much stress when theyre so young. If i did i would still do siphoning, but far less often, which seems a healthier choice in my opinion, for hte younger babies.
You should try some Malaysian Trumpet Snails in the tank as these will use up any extra food that is in the tank!
Get an apple snail. I have them and they help a lot. but some times they let out a lot of um..well Crap:sick: but at lest it would be in one spot lol :D
hrm... they don't look very small for 5 weeks. Just be sure to feed plenty of protein-rich foods, clean every day and keep the temp steady! I attach a stiff piece of pipette ($.50 at Petsmart) to airline tubing to clean the bottom, I do it every night and it only takes 10 or 15 minutes to get all of the debris off the bottom. I added a pygmy cory to the tank, which I do not suggest if you don't have experience with them! Mine ate at least half of the fry that were in there, out of nowhere one night :X

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