My Latest Attempt..... Planted Tank

Beautiful tank. As others have said love the Discus, I myself love the darker discus. Have you found them to be too much trouble to keep? I've been thinking of adding them to my next tank.

Thanks for all the pictures.
My guess is that they were eaten. Mosquito harlequins/rasboras are very, very tiny, and not what I would have put with Discus, but if they're working for you, then go for it. I bet you get some serious schooling action from these little guys. Or, your discus will loose any weight they may have put on chasing the little buggers. :lol: You could try upping the school, there's safety in numbers. But in defense of your discus, Mosqito harlequins, if they're the fish I'm thinking, a boraras species, either brigittae or maculatus, tend to be a bit twitchy and can succumb readily to stress and acclimation problems from your LFS. Once they settle, however, they can be very long-lived for their tiny size, mine were nearly three years old and showed no sign of slowing down when I sold them back to my LFS. Excellent fish, would love to keep them again.
I like that a lot. I'm new to all this so could you tell me what are the small plants in the foreground, they'd look good in my tank.
sorry chaps, been away for the past two days.

Yeap those mosquitos are great to watch, but some has became one with my discus. HAHA.

JArtiles305: in terms of keeping dicus, they are no trouble at all in my experience. Just regular water change and they are quite happy. They are happy to take food fed by hand. The only trouble I have is that the bigger pair are bullying the smaller pair. I might have to return the smaller pair eventually. Will leave them for another 2 weeks and see how they cope.

lljdma06: Tempting, very tempting to add another 2 dozen or so in there. I love my discus, but it's an expensive way of feeding them. let's see how long this batch last. fingers crossed.

Vicky&Dad: welcome to the forum. The plant in the foreground is glosso. They need a good trim at the mo. I have the next few days off, will be doing some rearranging and tidying up.

Will keep you posted.
JArtiles305: in terms of keeping dicus, they are no trouble at all in my experience. Just regular water change and they are quite happy. They are happy to take food fed by hand. The only trouble I have is that the bigger pair are bullying the smaller pair. I might have to return the smaller pair eventually. Will leave them for another 2 weeks and see how they cope.

What do you consider regular water changes? I ask because most Discus owners on other forums change their water everyday - few times a week. I think they are an amazing centerpiece, and am considering them for my next tank. I'm wondering if a well planted tank will dramatically reduce the amount of water changes needed.

i only do 25-30% water change twice weekly. Seems to be okay so far.
i think you will still need water change regardless of plant density, it won't prolonged the period in between water change.

Once you get used to it water change takes 10 minutes tops, for me anyway.

I know i'm sad, but i admit it. Rearranged the tank AGAIN!

freed up a bit more space for the discus to swim around. would appreciate your views.



compared to the old setup


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