My Kribs Had Babies! Yay! New Updated Pics!


Jan 18, 2005
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Kent, UK
I have had my pair of Kribs for 2 weeks now, and they have done lots of digging in the sand around the bottom of my small, but bushy Anubias. We have just got back from New Year's lunch with my parents to find them with a brood of about 40 tiny babies!!!!!! :hyper: :wub: They are sooooo cute. Below is the best pic I could get of them with their proud Daddy!



Hi Julia,
They are so cute :wub: so well done fishy mummy! :good:
I can't wait to see them in real life!!
Bye for now.
Littley xxx :*
How do you find them toward the other fish, i allowed mine to co-exist with the other community fish through their 1st brood but now they have their 2nd they are simply to aggressive toward anything that moves, we popped out news years eve and bought a new 140L to house them but the male was attempting to guard the fry and the female wouldnt allow him near them thus attacking him (the male would have been bullied to death). Ive chose to leave her in the tank on her own with her fry and place the male back in the main tank, once the fry are large enough to be outsourced i'll try and re-introduce them to each other.

Until them she's a single mum.
Congrats! Happy New year! Beautiful fry and I love your males beautifuly colored stomach and his awsome dorsal fin. They will be beautiful fish ( With a male like that I wonder what the female looks like). Hope they dont get eaten.
Well, the happy parents are proudly patrolling the tank with their new brood today, and managed to get some better pics! They share the tank with 4 Emperor Tetra and 3 Lemon Tetra, and are more than happy to see them off if they get a bit close. The other fish tend to stay near the top, and dont seem bothered with the opportunity of a quick snack!






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