No... the mops are for the Gardneri's. so as you can ascertain that there is spawning activity taking place.
I would place a pot of peat moss in for the Nothobranchius sp.
They are bottom spawners and their eggs need to be harvested and put through a diapause (dry period) then wetted after an allotted time for the fry to hatch
Geez!!... now this is getting complicated... What I perceive to be the Guentheris, are those where the males have the red in the fins & pearls on the body...(I'll try get a photo later)
The Gardneris (IMO) are the ones where I've got a photograph of the female at the top... If I'm right in my assumptions, then the Gardneris are definitely spawning (same fashion as zebra Danios) - vigourous chasing by the male & vibrating over a cluster of plants...
Are the eggs adhesive so that I'll see them when I remove the plant?. I'm in any case (now that you've mentioned) making an extra spawning mop for them as well.