My Killifish With A Mouthful...

This one is of my killi hunting ghost shrimp. That corner is the home to 4 ghost shrimp. He hasn't caught one yet, but he get an 'A' for effort!



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he's a great specimen! FOTM nomination for sure

I had one and he was a super bully, but had a devilishly fun personality. They do best in a planted species tank, because they love to harass smaller and even slightly larger fish. They are renowned eaters and jumpers!
Ask CFC about his goldens pestering a juvenile FLORIDA GAR :p
noelberg said:
he's a great specimen! FOTM nomination for sure

I had one and he was a super bully, but had a devilishly fun personality. They do best in a planted species tank, because they love to harass smaller and even slightly larger fish. They are renowned eaters and jumpers!
Ask CFC about his goldens pestering a juvenile FLORIDA GAR  :p
Jumpers you say? I've got a story to prove that!!! :hyper: :blink: :hyper:

This happened when I was doing a 50% water change on my 30G about a month ago. The water was about 10" below the top of the tank. With my tank being heavily planted, it's very tough to clean the gravel. What I do instead is reach in and stir the top 1/4" of gravel gently with my fingers to stir a lot of the crap up to seuck it out with a hose. I was standing in front of the tank while doing this with my head about 1-2' above my tank. I guess the killi wasn't too fond of me interfering with it's hunting (it try's the most when tank is half-empty to be refilled leaving fewer hiding spots...). All of a sudden I hear a loud 'SPLASH!' and then 'SSSSSSLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP!!!' The killifish uses it's body as a torpedo, takes aim, and hits me like a missile right in the cheak! My GF's Mom is standing a bout 6 feet away. From where she was, she heard SPLASH, SLAP, and then looks over to see me trying to grab this floppin' fish off the carpet before a cat can get to it. She was ROTFLHFAO, and so was I once I got the killi back in the tank. I figure it launched itself over two feet high out of the water and was still rising powerfully when may face got in it's way. I was shocked!! Imagine what must have been going through the killi's head, although I do suspect that he had been plotting this for quite some time....

My favourite pic of those is the one with the algae wafer!

ya, killi's are really great to look at. I just got 2 breeding pair of clown killi's from aquabid (turn's out the guy was only 2 hours away) so needless to say they got here quick. The nice thing about this species is that they are VERY top of tank oreinted, will grow to the size of a Danio and will not bother anything lower (ie the illusive ghost shrimp)
R.I.P. My Precious Killi

:-( :-( :-( Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! :-( :-( :-(

I woke up at 5am this morning and turned on my MarineGlo (use for nightlighting or when I want to have a peak without full lights) exepecting to see my precious Killi hunting shrimp, but he was no where to be found.... I searched as best as I could, also being in a rush to get out for work. I looked behind everything, under my tank stand, but nothing. My GF checked all the plants in the aquarium and said she looked all around the aquarium as well, but no luck. I just found him now :-( at the bottom of a bag 2 feet to the right of my tanks. I know hope is mostly lost, but just in case of a miracle, I have put him in a glass of water as I know some fish (Killi's included) can survive quite some time out of water. I only had a 1" opening at the back where my heater, filter in/out, and CO2 go in. Apparently we had an earthquake (6.1) some ways from here, but still close enough that it was felt. I'm thinking he was sitting right by that opening when the quake struck, and it started him to take a flying leap. This was the ONLY Killi I have ever been able to find.... Well, at least he was recognized as a beaut of a fish with a FOTM nomination or too...

:-( :-( :-(R.I.P. My Killi:-( :-( :-(

:eek: :eek: :eek: i feel for ya :byebye: that was a beatuiful fish

it takes 2 noms for FOTM and u got like 4, so enter him and if he wins that would be a excellent good bye present for him :-(

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