My "kids"

I am trying not to look at any other pets until i have moved out lol. Trying to explain to my mum that i want to keep my old Freddy2 without saying "because i want more animals" is very difficult!
I have my hands-full with the three i have at the moment though. The new cage has made a shift in the group dynamics and lowest rat in the pecking order is on a rampage to get to the top LOL. Shes getting herself in to a lot of trouble lately :rolleyes:
Bloody love rats!

Wish I could get some but with 4 adult humans, 7-8 fish tanks and a gerbil in a 3 bed house, we're about full!

Yous are stunning. Love Mu-mu!
Those rats look adorable!

No offence but do you think they 'smell', i would love to have a rat, but family members think otherwise. :good:

When i used to have my old ratty i cleaned him out every week and i found that he didnt smell, but ferrets on the other hand lol they really stink!!! lol but both have suuuuch cute faces

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