My Khulis


Let's Be Friends
Oct 2, 2011
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They're just normal black ones, I've never seen a striped khuli irl :blink:




quite hard to get pictures of, hardly staying still when they're out, and hiding when they settle down :blink:
Not just me then! i never seen striped near me so jumped at the chance of my Panda's.

How many do you have? I know what you mean about taking pictures they never sit still :lol:
They look nice...the Kuhli loaches are lush and can't find any in my area...I'm hoping to find some soon so i can have a go at breeding them.. :fun: :good:
Not just me then! i never seen striped near me so jumped at the chance of my Panda's.

How many do you have? I know what you mean about taking pictures they never sit still :lol:
I've got 5, I was gonna buy all 6 they had at the LFS, but the girl netting them was being a bit of a sissy and didn't want to touch them or hold the top of the net to transfer them or anything, (probably a new employee :sad: )and the last one jumped out of the net and onto the tile and didn't make it :sad:
They look nice...the Kuhli loaches are lush and can't find any in my area...I'm hoping to find some soon so i can have a go at breeding them.. :fun: :good:

I would love to try breeding my 8! I hear panda's are pretty rare? hoping to up there numbers on Friday :D

Not just me then! i never seen striped near me so jumped at the chance of my Panda's.

How many do you have? I know what you mean about taking pictures they never sit still :lol:
I've got 5, I was gonna buy all 6 they had at the LFS, but the girl netting them was being a bit of a sissy and didn't want to touch them or hold the top of the net to transfer them or anything, (probably a new employee :sad: )and the last one jumped out of the net and onto the tile and didn't make it :sad:

Typical :/ I asked for 5 and ended up with 8 :lol: he just netted a load didn't even count them just said that looks about right. Shame about the 6th :-( hope you find some more
Not just me then! i never seen striped near me so jumped at the chance of my Panda's.

How many do you have? I know what you mean about taking pictures they never sit still :lol:
I've got 5, I was gonna buy all 6 they had at the LFS, but the girl netting them was being a bit of a sissy and didn't want to touch them or hold the top of the net to transfer them or anything, (probably a new employee :sad: )and the last one jumped out of the net and onto the tile and didn't make it :sad:

Your kuhlis are adorable :wub:
Aww the poor kuhli....My LFS only sells the black and the striped ones, and the striped ones are always more popular. I would get some black ones if my stocking room allowed it, but since i want my kuhlis to breed i have to stay within the species :unsure: Also, is it true that black kuhlis are more shy than the striped?
Not just me then! i never seen striped near me so jumped at the chance of my Panda's.

How many do you have? I know what you mean about taking pictures they never sit still :lol:
I've got 5, I was gonna buy all 6 they had at the LFS, but the girl netting them was being a bit of a sissy and didn't want to touch them or hold the top of the net to transfer them or anything, (probably a new employee :sad: )and the last one jumped out of the net and onto the tile and didn't make it :sad:

Your kuhlis are adorable :wub:
Aww the poor kuhli....My LFS only sells the black and the striped ones, and the striped ones are always more popular. I would get some black ones if my stocking room allowed it, but since i want my kuhlis to breed i have to stay within the species :unsure: Also, is it true that black kuhlis are more shy than the striped?
Never had striped ones before, but my guys are extremely shy. I've got 1 brave one, and the rest tend to only come out at night :blink:
They're gorgeous little guys! :blush: :wub: <3
aww sorry about the 6th one - poor lil' thing :(

Ive got 7 stripy ones - my lfs seems to always have a tank full of happily wriggling kuhlis just chillin and draping themselves over the bogwood in there. Im often tempted to grab a few more to accompany my existing ones, but my stocking cant take it :rolleyes:
Ive never seen (or heard) of black or panda kuhlis before though! They both sound really exotic and look cute :D. The only variation ive heard about before are albinos, which look pretty cool - i need a few of those ;) :fun: :) ^_^

They look nice...the Kuhli loaches are lush and can't find any in my area...I'm hoping to find some soon so i can have a go at breeding them.. :fun: :good:

I would love to try breeding my 8! I hear panda's are pretty rare? hoping to up there numbers on Friday :D
Wow - i didnt realise that you could breed them! :hyper: When i did some research when i first got them, it said in the "Breeding" section of the info pages that it was not heard of for them to breed in aquaria :X But then again that was some years ago...
But it sounds fab if they could :hyper:
Any ideas on how you could to get them to breed? Maybe the usual to start, like feeding them up on live/frozen foods, etc. but from there on...?
Maybe theyre like cories that can be encouraged to spawn with a good feeding up and then a big cold(ish) water change when there's an area of low pressure coming through (simulating storms and rain..?)
But theyre looking good anyhow :D
I've read they lay eggs on roots and plants, I think its the same thing for most fish, good quality live food/water just need to research their habitat(water temp,ph)

I'm planning on making a few caves covered in moss with holes drilled in so only they can get in...might drill a hole in the top and put the roots off a fake plant through it so they are inside and the other fish cant get to them... just keep an eye on the numbers incase they get trapped. :good:


Wiki link
Sounds good :)

I found some more info... looks like some people have thoroughly planned these schemes out:

The first one is deffo the most detailed. Wow, they're really taking this quite deep - i thought it would be more like just feeding them up well and they would spawn in the tank! I guess they said that there have been reports of spontaneous spawnings, where they "twine at the surface of the water and release bright green eggs". Or something.

Well, i couldnt do whole separate setup: (a) i dont have a spare tank and (b) i dont have the time atm, so i guess i will try for the "spontaneous spawn" ;) by:
  1. Feeding them well (on frozen and live worms)
  2. Keeping the water quality tip-top
  3. Making a few extra large and coolish water changes when there are areas of lower pressure (copying the cories now ;) )
  4. Providing lots of good hiding places for the fry (wishful thinking here now maybe...? :) )
  5. Hoping for the best :p

Edit: heres a youtube clip of spawning
mine do that alot! definitely upping the numbers then will separate a few into a small 'spawn' tank see if I get anything, there always getting bloodworm too
mine do that alot! definitely upping the numbers then will separate a few into a small 'spawn' tank see if I get anything, there always getting bloodworm too
wow - thats definitely a good sign! :good: keep us posted :hyper: :)
i always wondered what they were doing :lol: they do this practically every water change, but no sign of eggs anywhere
:lol: lol
well it shows youre on the right track! :)
and with a bit of time, luck and a few more waterchanges ;) you might get some eggs soon :)

And here's something to look out for in the tank - kuhli loach fry!:

though it doesnt look much like the adults at all atm, the source says it is indeed a kuhli loach ;)

not sure how big the eggs are - they might be really really small, so keep a close watch :) - theyre green so will blend in just perfectly with the plants :rolleyes: ;)
they wouldn't last 5 seconds with my Betta :( definitely thinking of using 1 of my smaller tanks to spawn in! got loads of mosses and that I could put in :good:

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