Many thanks for your great comments. I have the following fish:
9x Rummy Nose Tetras
6x Rainbows, 3 Bosemanni & 3 Blue
6x Tiger Barbs
4x Cory's Purchased as Cory Adolfoi, but later dicovered their actualy an undescribed speices C121.
3x Zebra Danios
2x Oto's
The plants are Cabomba, Vallis, Red & Green Ludwiga, Indian Fern, Java Fern, and 2 species of Crypts in the foreground. I have a Hagen Natural Plant System CO2 installed and changed the standard Juwel tubes to a Power Glo and Flora Glo. I also fitted the Juwel reflectors which doubles the light output. Laterite was also added to the gravel.
Here's a pic of one of the Cory's