My Jewul Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2011
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Hres my jewul rio 125 litre dark wood tank at the moment. It has just had a new 600l/h pump and a full clean. The tank was left for a week with just plants and water in and the fish were then added Yesterday along with some of their previous Aquarium water. Any suggestions and comments are welcome.



Changes will be made over the next few months include:

More planting and another few pieces of driftwood,

10 Celestial Pearl Danios
10 Longfin Metallic Rosy Barbs

I will see how the tank looks after a couple of months to see how the fish are together then will get maybe 5 - 10 tetra neons also.
The plants are currently in teracota pots at the moment. I didnt put any sand down in the tank so cant grow any plants unfortunatly. Wish I did now though.

I was thinking of getting the branch type wood to start filling the space up. What do you think?


My Guorami
You can still grow plants in gravel. You already have some nice bits of wood in there, so you could also attach some Java Fern to it which makes for a nice aquarium plant thats very hardy and requires little light.
Ok thanks for advice. How would i grow plants in just gravel? Is there any tutorials on it?
Thanks in advance
Ok so took your advice Tizer, took all of the plats out of the pots and to be fair they have good roots on them :hyper:

So done a bit of shuffling with them to spread them out and heres what I have as a first take.


Someone looks happy with the changes :rolleyes:

Tank before shot

Now they are put into the gravel only is there anything I can put into the water to help boost the root growth?
Now they are put into the gravel only is there anything I can put into the water to help boost the root growth?

You could look at some root tabs to provide nutrients, i need to get some myself. Also look into a weekly fertiliser to aid growth. I've started using TPN+ as i inject CO2, you would want normal TPN if i recall. The planted forum has lots of info when you got 10 mins for a good read.
Very nice bud, the tank is coming on well. I like what you have done with the plants
Yep,really nice looking start up .
This forum is a great place tbh,just someone telling you a couple of little things like spreading the stems out a bit can make your tank look way better.
Heres an update:

Unfortunatly i came down this morning to find my Koi Angel had died ( He was 4 years old!) so done a 30% water change and topped up the filter booster just in case. Also my other tank cracked so ive had to put my common pleco in this tank for now. Here he is




Hes currently 9 inches long and very friendly. Hoping to get a 6ft custom tank in near future. Just got to bring the girlfriend round to the idea :lol:
Coomon Pleco now re-homed to a friend who has a 700 litre custom tank. He should be much happier in there. Not fair on him going from a 6ft tank to my juwel so best thing for him really. Getting some more plants over next few weeks, java fern definatley in the pipeworks.

Also thinking i may get another rio 125 tank and convert to marine. :shifty:

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