My idea for a sponge filter


Jun 18, 2004
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I was just thinking of a way to get a sponge filter incorporated with my fry tank. I have an eclipse 6 gallon which I plan to use for the initial breeding process. Now, as far as filters go, would I need one in the 6 gallon or would I need one only in the growout? If I needed one in the 6, I was planning on taking the marineland filter that comes with the tank, and attaching a sponge to the intake part, (to cut off heavy suction and add the "sponge" effect).

Would this work? :dunno:
IMO, that will still be waaaaaay too strong for babies (I have this filter and it's really even too strong for the 6 gallon with adult fish). The main point of a sponge filter is to have airline tubing so you can attach a gang valve to it and control airflow. They're so tiny and weak for the first few weeks, that they can only have like a bubble a second. You could use a normal filter in a growout tank though, especially if it's adjustable.
So then where can I get the gang valve and the sponge filter?
Also, I know some people don't use a sponge filter until the fry are 3 weeks old or so. This is what happened with my spawn - I used an airstone and a gang valve until they got a bit bigger. I then changed to a filter - I'm actually using a whisper 10 in their tank - It has adjustable flow and I turn it on the lowest. They are not in danger of being sucked in, I've seen them swim right by the intake, and they have been enjoying playing in the bit of outflow.

I just saw wuv mention this in one of her posts as well - she does not use anything but an airstone for the first few weeks.
OK, thanks, but another thing. Can I use a powerhead to pump air?
there is a difference between a powerhead and an air pump. A powerhead is submerged into the water and sucks in water and air and pumps it back out, an air pump is placed OUT of water and pumps only air through a tubing.

For my spawns, i used a sponge filter (it was like $2.99, just a clear plastic box wtih 2 tubes, onef or the air to go in and one for the air to come out). I attached an airline tube, got myself a T valve and set it to one or two bubbles a second.

As the fry grew up i increased the amoutn of bubbles being produced adn sometimes i add an air stone if it's necessary :)

Here's a mini filter I designed. I use it in 1-1 1/2 gal tanks.


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