My Human Fry Has Arrived - Warning: Baby Pictures!

MBOU said:
Thank you hun - I've lost count of the amount of people who've said "How did you and Chris produce her?" haha. Nice huh?
Best Answer to that? Start with "well when two people *really* love each other....." and watch them panic ;)
She is so beautiful and perfect!! And I love all her clothes!!
Am more than slightly jealous :(
Yes unfortunately I don't think they do them in adult sizes! I've spent too much money on quirky outfits *blush*
For her that is.. Baha ;)
Bahaha!! Meant of the baby, not her clothes ;) she is such a cuties!
MBOU said:
Bahaha!! Meant of the baby, not her clothes ;) she is such a cuties!
Bahaha that'll be my tiredness getting things wrong again! I might as well not have a brain at the moment - serves no purpose!
Congrats Sophie, she is gorgeous!
I think we should have a caption competition for photo number 2 lol.  It's the way she's looking at the camera, like she's about to say something really sardonic!
36 hours of labour... ouch!  I came so close to having a C-section myself, labour was pure torture, I said to myself I'm never going through that again!  Three years later I had my second... fortunately the second one is easier!
I know what you mean about the floppy head, you have to handle them like eggshells.  Enjoy your time with her, they really do grow up so fast!
daizeUK said:
Congrats Sophie, she is gorgeous!
I think we should have a caption competition for photo number 2 lol.  It's the way she's looking at the camera, like she's about to say something really sardonic!
36 hours of labour... ouch!  I came so close to having a C-section myself, labour was pure torture, I said to myself I'm never going through that again!  Three years later I had my second... fortunately the second one is easier!
I know what you mean about the floppy head, you have to handle them like eggshells.  Enjoy your time with her, they really do grow up so fast!
I'm on the hunt for a fish outfit for her, like a costume type thing - then I'm going to enter her into FOTM and see if people notice, could even pop her into an empty tank for the lolz. Aha :D
You mean like this?
that could be the cutest thing I have ever seen!
It really shouldn't be that cute!! But it is!!! *goes away to get hormones under control*
DrRob said:
You mean like this?
Oh god I 'squeed' - I hated dollies as a child, hate dressing up myself but the urge to dress my child in silly costumes is just out of control!
eaglesaquarium said:

Congratulations, Sophie; she really is beautiful
Thank you hun - I've lost count of the amount of people who've said "How did you and Chris produce her?" haha. Nice huh?

She looks too much like her Dad though

I've read somewhere that that's normal.  Babies start off looking like their dads, so that the dad wants to take care of the baby.  After all, there's never any doubt who the mother is, but the father can be more enigmatic (which is how Maury Povich is able to maintain a living... amazingly).  I don't know how much credence there is to it, but I have read it before...

A lot of midwives had this theory - and then some said it's a load of bull but I dunno, it's a nice theory to believe tbh :) Not like it didn't work, he gets really excited every time someone tells him she looks like him.
Of course he does... :D
Its something that has actually been studied at some universities and there's a fair amount of documentation regarding that.  As some point, the children start to take on different characteristics and become more of an amalgam of both parents.   Although, my son is very similar in appearance to me as a youngster, although he has a few of his mother's mannerisms - that might just be more due to nurture though, rather than nature.  He does mimic me a fair amount as well... both good and bad (unfortunately).
I've heard it said at times, that your children are a mirror and you will recognize in them the aspects of yourself that you like the least.  And those will be the things that you want to change the most.
My youngest brother and I look so similar to our mum it's a bit creepy and really annoying when I walk the dog and people cant tell the difference between me and my mum so I have strangers randomly chatting at me thinking im my mum.
24 year age gap!!! How insulting!! :eek: That said, my mum clearly looks 24 years younger than she is haha
Well, that's very encouraging for you then, as you gracefully increase in age.
I already have my plans for being the evil and naughty old lady in a wheel chair that's been pimped up lol orl ike the granny in the old irn bru advert stealing stuff haha! Nothing graceful there!
I'm going to be like the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons.. Just with Staffords instead :D
Zante said:
She must need a massive tank though... how much brine shrimp do you feed her every day?

sorry, couldn't help myself!
She's beautiful. Congratulation. I enjoyed some of the comments others made to you as well.  Time does fly. and it keeps getting faster and faster. My first is 37 and my baby is 33. They have given me grankids that are already nearly grow. seems just yesterday I was holding my new baby in my arms. Enjoy every moment. write things down. Keep a journal and a scrapbook. Years from now you'll be glad you did. I have forgotten things I didn't think I would ever forget.

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