My hobby...

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Barry Tetra

Fish Aficionado
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 23, 2019
Reaction score
Please note that no animals have been harmed; they have all died from natural causes.

Some people may find the images upsetting; if you are likely to be distressed, please do not read any further.

Members are cautioned that abusive comments made to Barry Tetra or about taxidermy practices in general will not be tolerated and such posts will be removed.


I’m a taxidermy student since i was 11 and this is what i do everyday, preserve dead animal. I always found dead animal in the backyard (i never killed them) i also preserved dead fish and insect. Moderator can delete my picture if its too scary :)
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In my backyard, I have seen a wild turkey, many squirrels, racoons, skunks, birds, a ground hog, chipmunks, and a goshawk. The Goshawk smashed into my enlcosed porch window . And then broke another window trying to get out. I had to go into the porch and open a third window to let it out. And I live near the city.
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In my backyard, I have seen a wild turkey, many squirrels, a ground hog and a goshawk. The Goshawk smashed into my enlcosed porch window . And then broke another window trying to get out. I had to go into the porch and open another window to let it out. And I live near the city.
I also have wild turkey along with deer that lay down and flatten my wife's flowers at night o_O , red foxes, possum and plenty of birds that fly into our chimney and big bay window, bald eagles, raccoons and coyotes. I live on a bluff overlooking a river with woods only 50 yards away:)
I’m a taxidermy student since i was 11 and this is what i do everyday, preserve dead animal. I always found dead animal in the backyard (i never killed them) i also preserved dead fish and insect. Moderator can delete my picture if its too scary :)
So awesome!! Amazing work!

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