My Guppy Fry Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2009
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essex uk
hi im fairly new to fish keeping but a novice to fry lol i have managed to pick up a very good bargain rena 60 litre tank with everything needed off ebay for the bargain price of £25 :good:

what i want to know is how long b4 i can put the fry init ?

ive filled it with water from the main tank they were in but the filter media is all new, also is it ok to have an airstone in with the babys is this not good for them or will it be ok ?

i am so chuffed with the tank and all it came with for that amount of money it had gravel, 2 filters, a background and air pump and the ornaments :hyper:

heres a pic to see what you think x


really loving the light and background and set up in there, and dont forget to do a cycle, fishless cycle, it will make the media mature, and then you can put the fry in, it takes about 4 weeks, if you lucky proberly less, good luck mate
Very nice tank! I got one exactually like it off ebay yesterday for £26 :p

I believe airstones are ok with fry - if they don't like it they will avoid it, aslong as its not TOO powerful.

And I believe you still need to cycle this tank as its not the water thats the problem, its the filter itself.
if you have a cycled filter already running in another tank, why not swap a bit of the media into the new one and get them in there straight away.. make sure to do regular water tests just to make sure it works.

dont put it in there if u have no fish to put in there as the bacteria will die if no fish waste to feed it, you will need to be carefull of that filter with guppy fry tho as they will get sucked into it..
what i did was take the netting off a fish net and use cotton to tie it around the bottom half of the filter.. this worked perfectly for me

just noticed that you said that you used old tank water.. this has no benifit at all really, its the filter media ( bit of sponge0 that you need then your good to go :)

that was a bargain by the way :) well done
I,ve been told to use 50% of the old tank water to reduce shock but that was ages ago.
thanks for the advice everyone, i dont know why i just thought it was best to put them into water that they have been in for the last 2 weeks so i was doing a water change yesterday so just thought id use that water, i will use the media from my cycled tank if this means i can put the fry in straight away cos i had having 40 odd fry in a breeding trap :(

do i just cut abit off and put it in with the media thats in the filter already ?
yes as jdubz says, just put it straight in and put the piece that u take out into the other filter ( if you can) dont worry about the water it wont matter that it came from the tank, just remember that mot fry prefer more regular water changes..

if i was surprised by fry i used to fill a tank with old water just baically so i didnt need to worry about a temp difference, maybe tommorow do a small water change tho :)

congratulation on the fry too :)

sheagh xxxxxx
yes as jdubz says, just put it straight in and put the piece that u take out into the other filter ( if you can) dont worry about the water it wont matter that it came from the tank, just remember that mot fry prefer more regular water changes..

if i was surprised by fry i used to fill a tank with old water just baically so i didnt need to worry about a temp difference, maybe tommorow do a small water change tho :)

congratulation on the fry too :)

sheagh xxxxxx

:no: i did what was advised and now all my babies are dead :no:

i wish i hadnt bothered moving them from the trap now but i guess you learn by your mistakes i cant believe they lasted 2 weeks in fine in a trap then i put them into a 60 litre for them to enjoy and ive killed them all :/

the other female i had giving birth today has eaten all her babies as she was having them so its not been my day today :S
sorry to hear this...

hope you have better luck with the next lot. :)

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