My guppy fry are dying everyday...Helpp

guppy guy

New Member
Jun 26, 2003
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Hi everyone!

I've just read some of the messages in this forum hoping to find an answer to my guppy problem. Some of the msgs are familiar, but i'm not so sure if i have the same case. i started breeding guppies last feb. and it always occured to me that very few of the baby fish survive, as in 5-6 fry out of 30-40!! and i've noticed that this happens after the 3rd or 4th week after they were born. i feed them 3-4 times a day with crushed pellets and sometimes frozen daphnias or hard boiled egg yolk. i also change 10-20% water everyday and i dechlorinize my water by letting it stay in bucket with a lid for 2days with salt. are there any problems with these procedures? i'm quite new to this and i just learned some of these on the net. oh btw, before they die...they become weak and they become dark. the usual color of a fry is translucent flesh like color right? the ones dying become translucent blackish color. and when they die...they curve into an S-shape. :crazy: i dunno what to do or what is happening... :(
Have you tested the water? You should start there. Also what kind of salt are you adding and how much? It must be noniodized salt.
Sounds like a gentic disorder, guppies are prone to it unfortunately due to alot of inbreeding. I have bred guppies myself, have you tried Liquid fry food for livebearers by Interpet? i use this for the first two weeks of life and i feed them bout 3-4 times a day. And then i use a product called Tetramin Baby flake until they reach adulthood then i feed them normal flake.


guppy guy said:
i dechlorinize my water by letting it stay in bucket with a lid for 2days with salt. are there any problems with these procedures?
Hi guppyman, welcome to the forum!

Putting a lid on the bucket will not allow the water to dechlorinate itself, you'd be much better off buying dechlorinating treatments from your local fish store however if you want to just let it evapourate off you must not have a lid on the bucket as this will prevent the chlorine gas from escaping!!

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