My Guppy. Damaged Tail


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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Hey, i have recently noticed that one of my female guppies tail look like it has been shredded. I have a female platy, a male platy, a male guppy, 2 other female guppies, 4 ottos and a plec in the same tank as her. the tank is 59litres. i have also noticed that one of the other female guppies has been following her and what it looks like, being quite agressive towards her. do guppies do this sometimes? the guppy that i think has been herassing her is different to the other two. this one has a cobra like tail where as the others, one has a full orange and the other has a full yellow (which is the one with the damaged tail).
is there anything i can do for her? if so, can someone please help.

All comments welcome.
you can try aquarium salt to heal the wound, and maybe seperate them untill it heals. as for fighting i have no idea becasue i too have the same problem with my platy. make sure there is enough plant coverage for them to run and relax from the bullies hehe.

i'm sure someone else has better advice than this but i wish you the best.
ok thanks. would she be alright in my platy fry tank? all the fry are going on saturday so she'll then have to tank to herself for a bit.
anyone else have any ideas on what to do? like if there is any medication i can give to her.
I has exactly the same problem but all 4 of the guppies were male, but one was spotted, unfortunatly after 3 days hidding it died yesterday, he's tail was quite baddle bitten on the top. Unfortunatly i can give any advice as i dont know what to do myself.
Can you put a divider in for the short-term?
I make dividers out of a strong plastic sheet (cut to fit slightly above waterline) and holes pierced in for water flow.
Condensation trays, available at most Fish Shops are good type.

Also, "Melafix' usually aids fin re-growth effectively. + Plenty of plants help to provide hiding places.

Hope it heals.

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