My Gouramis


New Member
Jul 13, 2010
Reaction score
Chichester UK
Thought I would sort some pictures of my little ones... :D

If I have any of the types of fish wrong please tell me!!

Female Gold, Heather

Male Opaline, Oscar

Male Dwarf, Sawyer

Female Dwarf, Kate

Female Pearl, Pearl (yes I know...not very original!!)

I think 'Flame Honey Gourami' not sure of sex, Jamie - not a great pic im afraid!

Lastley, I also have a Male Paradise fish called Jacob (see below)..... However him and my male dwarf seem to antagonize each other, no fights yet however just alot of flaring their fins! Do you think they will be ok?? :unsure:

Hope that's not too many pics!!!!
Nice George! Normally it is recommended to keep paradise fish in a species only tank as they are very agressive. Just watch them, I would say.

I am starting to think that, my lfs said he would be fine with my Gouramis, and he's been in the tank for over a month now however lately he has been having a go at my Male Dwarf. It only seems to be the Dwarf he has a problem with though so I dont know which one to remove. Any suggestions?
As the paradise fish is actually sub tropical I would remove him. And I reckon your opaline is a female by the way...
Huh??? Really, my lfs said he was a male coz he was more patterned!
This may sound really stupid but I'm not too familiar with what sub-tropical is, and what does this mean for him?
Lol, sounds like you should take your lfs's advice with a pinch of salt if sexing gouramis is now don't by 'he has more pattern'.
The correct way to sex a gourami is by fin shape. Males have longer more pointy dorsal and anal fins. Females are stubby/rounded. There are some you can sex by colour, such as the naturally coloured male honey who gets a black chest...but most you have to rely on fins.

Sub tropical basically means that naturally the fish is used to a temperature below tropical temps. So in a home aquarium you would keep it at around 18C. It's not that it can't live at higher temps, but it'll likely do best at the sub tropical temperature of 18ish.
Here is a couple of fact sheets...

Oh n I'd hazard a guess that the red honey is a male... but the pics a bit blurry.
Lol, Ooh phooy! Well I guess that solves my problem of which boy will be staying in the tank then! Shame, seen as the Paradise fish was always the most interactive with me :sad:
With regards to the sexing, I havent quite got the hang of it yet lol guess i'll clue up next time!

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