My Gouramis Not Eating

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Apr 11, 2007
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Hello, this is my first post!
Anywho, I just bought 2 Dwarf Fire Gouramis (Very awesome looking I must say)
But they aren't eating at all! Theyll bite the food then POOF spit it back out. Am I feeding them the wrong food?
I am currently feeding them TetraColor Tropical Fish Flakes.
I bought it cause theres a picture of a Gourami on the label >>
well thats not a problem at all,they were probably fed a different type of food back in the store but as long as u keep trying to feed the fish it will soon start to eat it in about less than 5 days at the most.thats how my dwarf fire gouramis were fed.
Try brine shrimp, make sure you don't put the packet water in, alot of fry are raised on these and absolutely love them. In my little experience live foods always go down better than flake.
Fish can go without food for days so after they've settled in they'll probably be more than happy to eat what you provide. They'll also eat algae if you have any....
Mine are fed veg based flake, tetra colour flake, blood worm (live and/or freeze dried), daphnia (for roughage), brine shrimp, the occasional algae wafer, any water fleas i have left over from my minnows and the occasional pea (i've heard its good for their digestion). You could try any of these, not all at once :p if you are extremely worried. But more than likely after settling in and going a little hungry they should get their appetite back.
Ps. I personally wouldn't feed tubifex if you find it available.
Thanks a lot for the speedy answers! I'll try to keep feeding them and see if theyll finally eat anything.
But right now my tank smells like wet dirt x_x
I think I added too many algae wafers for my plasectomus (spelling is wrong, you know though, one of those sucker fish that stick to the wall)
because hes not eating too much either.
Also keep in mind that gouramies are often nervous when added to a new tank and can take time to adjust. How large is your tank? What else is in it and is it cycled? These things could also be playing a part.

Having said that, they may appear to be spitting the food out but aren't actually doing so. Many fish will take a moutfull and swallow only some of it. It is normal and nothing to worry about. Be very careful not to overfeed.

Oh and I second the point about not feeding tubifex (and add freeze-dried foods onto that no-no list).
i have a 10 gallon tank and they seem to be more lively now, swimming around a lot, even going by my air bubbler skull thingie :)
i have 2 dwarf fire gouramis, 2 tiny orange fish (i forgot their name) and one of those sucker fishes.
Right well 10 gallons isn't going to be large enough for both dwarfs long term. They are territorial and very prone to stress-related diseases. I'd very strongly urge you to return one. Also, 'sucker fish' are usually common plecostomus catfish. These grow to a goot in length - you cannot keep it in a 10 gallon. Are your orange fish platies? In future, make sure you research your fish' requirements before you buy them. You, unfortunately, cannot rely on shops to give you sound advice.

Again, is it cycled? How long has it been set up with fish?

It wouldn't be surprising if the dwarfs are very stressed considering that they are in this size tank but they could be in an actually life-threatening position if the tank's also not cycled.

It's good to hear they are livlier now though :D
i have a 10 gallon tank and they seem to be more lively now, swimming around a lot, even going by my air bubbler skull thingie :)
i have 2 dwarf fire gouramis, 2 tiny orange fish (i forgot their name) and one of those sucker fishes.

he is right you will need a 20 gallon in my experiance

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