It's been like that for about 2 weeks. Any treatment I can do? Can it spread to other fishes?How long has it been like that?
It looks like a bacterial infection but if it has been that way for more than a few weeks, it's probably a tumour.
How long did it take to appear and get to that size?
Has the brown bit grown during the last 2 weeks or has it been fairly stable in size
Okay thanks for the info. When using the medication for the fish, must I quarantine it I separate tank or still keep with other fishes.If it hasn't spread to any other fish by now it's probably not going to.
You could try a broad spectrum fish medication (not an antibiotic) that treat bacteria and fungus. If that doesn't improve things after a week then I would say it's a tumour and there's nothing you can do.
If it is a tumour, you leave the fish until it can't swim properly or has trouble eating, then euthanise it.