My giant danios are wierd


New Member
Dec 19, 2022
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I have a 75 gallon aquarium. I just bought 6 giant danios to be my schooling fish. I have had them for a few days and all except one are hiding.

But the real weird one. Is the danio I named Debra. Debra looks much different than the other danios. I can't take a picture because every time I get close they hide. But one time she twisted her entire body into a spiralling figure eight! I feel like fish usually don't do things like this and wondered if anyone else has some strange danios.
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Did you cycle the tank before adding the fish?
I did, I do have some other fish in their that are doing great so idk. Do you think I need to get some more?
What other fish are in the tank? How long did the cycle take, and how long have the other fish been in the tank?

I've no experience with Devario aequipinnatus, but do know they are best kept in large groups, 12 or more
The tank has been set up for a month, after a week of cycling I put in two dojo loaches and five glo tetras. I know that's a lot of fish at once, they came with the tank and I had them quarantined in a five gallon and they didn't like in there. So I moved them into my big tank and they looked much better.
I tested the water and there is no nitrates or nitrites. I think the danios are just getting use to their new home.
The ammonia test is the most important one...what is that reading?
Using what test kit?

How did you perform a cycle so quickly?
I put in a bottle of beneficial bacteria.
That won't cycle a tank in a week.

Get one of these, run the tests for ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte, and post back here

Until we know that your water parameters are good, we can give no useful info on "weird" acting fish
I was mostly Wondering what Debra is, she is the strangest fish I have ever had.
Wait I think I know what's going on, the temperature is cold. And there used to warm water so putting them in colder water makes them a little shy

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