My Friends Tank Setup, 75 Litre


New Member
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
1 x tiger oscar [5 and a half inches]
2 x black ghost knife fish [5 inches]
1 x electric yellow [3 inches]
1 x keyhole cichlid [2 inches]
1 x whiptail catfish [4 inches]
1 x common pleco [7 inches]
2 x khuli loach [3 and a half inches]
1 x yoyo loach [4 inches]
1 x bristlenose catfish [2 and a half inches]
1 x angelfish [3 inches]

what do you think about this tank??????

well not entirely i was also wondering my friend says its only a little bit overstocked but i reckon it is way way over could you give some suggestions for me to tell him what he should get rid of and what is a suitable tank setup for him
well not entirely i was also wondering my friend says its only a little bit overstocked but i reckon it is way way over could you give some suggestions for me to tell him what he should get rid of and what is a suitable tank setup for him
plz reply
1 x tiger oscar [5 and a half inches]<75 gallon minimum
2 x black ghost knife fish [5 inches]<
1 x electric yellow [3 inches]
1 x keyhole cichlid [2 inches]
1 x whiptail catfish [4 inches]
1 x common pleco [7 inches]<grows very big
]1 x yoyo loach [4 inches]
1 x bristlenose catfish [2 and a half inches]
1 x angelfish [3 inches]<YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINKS GOODBYE>

The winners
2 x khuli loach [3 and a half inches :good:
He needs to get rid of teh oscar, because they are large territorial cichlids that will turn his loaches into lunch, he also needs to get rid of teh black ghost knife. they get too large for even a 75, especially two balck ghost knives, and they will eat his smaller fish. i'd also cut out teh african cichlids because tehy require specific water and like a little bit of salt. the rest should be ok. the common pleco will also get to large and will eventually be stunted in a 75. i think he should focus on an angel tank instead of an oscar tank.
its a wonder how people can cramp so many fishes into a tank and presume they would thrive.
Unfortunately many people are told by pet stores that this many fish is ok ......... it is quite irresponsible and a tragedy that pet store's don't inform or train their staff sufficiently because it is the poor little innocent fish that suffer. :sad:
Unfortunately many people are told by pet stores that this many fish is ok ......... it is quite irresponsible and a tragedy that pet store's don't inform or train their staff sufficiently because it is the poor little innocent fish that suffer. :sad:

I would like to remind people that not all pet stores are bad information giving know nothings! It gets me how the majority of people here bash the crap out of local fish stores and their employee's. Also It is sad that this seems to be a funny situation to some people. but its also sad that alot of the senior members here forget that this forum is here to educate and help people that dont possibly know that their tank is over stocked. Most people dont even get a educated answer without reading through about 3-4 post of non-nessesary rude comments. Thanks to the people that accually politly tried to help. :good:
There are a couple of Pet / fish stores where I live that I have heard so many employees give terrible advice to kids and adults also when they buy fish like telling them they can keep however many fish they want as long as they have clear good quality water :rolleyes: terrible terrible advice...... However the fish shop I now go to has a very educated and experienced staff and the guy I speak to each time I go in will often spend 30mins of his time explaining different things to me (you can tell he has had many many years of experience and research behind him) and he will spend all this time and give alot of information regardless if I spend $5 or $100 he has a real love and passion for the hobby and it is wonderful when you find fish shops like this.

So yes PoPov you have made a great point we have to give the good ones a pat on the back and not condemn all pet/fish stores.

I only made the remark about pet stores giving wrong or bad advise because alot of people are quick to condemn new people who come to the forum with an overstocked tank and usually they were missinformed about how many fish they could keep in their sized tank so it is not their fault. :)


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