My friend is giving up fishkeeping


Mar 23, 2003
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One of my friends just had $50 worth of fish die, and now he wants to give up fishkeeping :eek:

What should I do? I know it's his decision, but it's such a relaxing hobby. . .
and he's invested so much money in it :(
Try to convince him to try again, this time with your help and with better information (like this website!).

But if he still wants to give it up, make sure you get his equipment cheap! :shifty:
He's been fishkeeping for awhile, so he knows what he's doing. The reason his fish died was there was a power outage overnight, and the fish died because the filter stopped working for 5 hours :crazy:

I don't know what to say to him to convince him to keep at it :dunno:
just tell him it's not his fault the power went out, it could happen anytime, to anyone...
All right. It would be a shame for him to give up just because of one incident, IMO. I'll talk to him tomorrow :nod:
I'm not an expert buuuut........

I don't think the filter not running for 5 hours would do that much damage.
My filter has not ran for that long once and no harm done at all, not even a little. I think the problem was something else. Maybe the temp dropped way too low or something. Maybe it was a really cold night outside as well!?*#@I$!

I hope he stays with it, but I know from experience that if a person is just plain done with something.....they're just plain done. :dunno:

Hi cutechic :)

Silver's right. Five hours without filtration would not result in the death of his fish. IMHO there was something else going on in his tank. Perhaps there was a disease just getting ready to happen or a sudden temperature drop that was more stress than they could take.

I've kept my tanks going for 3 days without filtration, but fortunately it was in the summer so the heaters going off was not a problem. When this happens, small water changes will do a lot to help the situation. :)
i live in canada...and during da black was off ofr like 22 hrs and my fish were fine
Before he takes his tank down buy him some extremely loveable fish as a present that he won't have the heart to let go of,
Some weaker fish can actually die at about 4 hours of power outtage. What fish did he have?
silver said:
I'm not an expert buuuut........

I don't think the filter not running for 5 hours would do that much damage.
My filter has not ran for that long once and no harm done at all, not even a little. I think the problem was something else. Maybe the temp dropped way too low or something. Maybe it was a really cold night outside as well!?*#@I$!

I hope he stays with it, but I know from experience that if a person is just plain done with something.....they're just plain done. :dunno:

my filter died for over 12 hours, that means low temp and low air in the water...
fishes are fine, 0 death
Why don't yu take the fish and the tank etc and tell him he can cvhange his mind when/if he wants to. Then you get the tank all nice and healthy (not getting too attached!!) and then he'll not be able to resist!!

I had a 4 day power outage, and all my fish were fine, even though I had some reasonably sensitive fish like an apistogramma and a chinese alage eater. The temp only dropped 5 degrees farenheit (7 at night) because it was summer, and there was some sunlight reaching the tank in the morning.
Its quite possible that the fish could have died in 5 hours from the filter being switched off, last summer i lost around £200 worth of fish due to a powerhead failing, the friend who was looking after them swears he was only out of the house for a few hours while he did some shopping and they were fine when he left. The lack of suface movement and high temperatures we were having were enough to kill off all the fish with higher oxygen requirements very quickly.

If your friend is really into his fish then he will get some more in his own time, a mass loss of fish is a very depressing experience. Give him a few weeks to get over the losses and then suggest taking a trip to a few good fish stores, he is bound to see something that takes his fancy and get the bug again.
We had a 6 day power outage in the winter and all my fish survived. We live way out from town, so our power goes off regularly for 5-6 hours. None of my fish have ever died. They do get a lot of sunlight in the morning, though.
All the ones in the 6 day power outage are swimming around today!!

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