My Freshwater Kingdom

Looking really good - the fish look really healthy and the slate looks great :)
I gotta say addey411 that your slate structure looks totally awesome.  Very crafty!  Now I want to make one, just like yours...
Week 18: Wow, I never thought I could get so busy as to completely forget to update my Journal. Well, MANY changes have been made over the past eight weeks, so I guess I better get started. First thing would be that after I got the new tank lid, I got a replacement crawfish and he's quite a handful. He was much bigger than the other when I got him and now he's about the size of my thumb. But, after getting him I came to realize that he had an issue with the way everything was placed. He began eating and rearranging all of the plants till I had to take them out due to the mess he was making. After that, I got fake plants to still keep the tank a nice mixture of colors.
I then got a few moss balls and even found a couple pieces of bamboo. I've seen tanks with it so I figured it couldn't hurt to try it myself ( which may have actually been a bad idea that I'll get to later). About a week later I got the light to the tank, I got it for $44 on ebay, and  I must say, it's a lot better than I expected. It's sturdy and has two settings and even has a little hook up system if I ever get the light timer in the future. I'll show it in my pics in the next post. I also added the extra air stone in the back so the entire wall has bubbles ( only issue is that it gets sucked into the filter and makes a mist.) So, overall the tank has undergone quite a change in the past eight weeks and it looks pretty good.
Now to the bad news, I believe my two gouramis have fin rot. I don't know for sure and I'm going to post some pics in the next one for your input. I don't know why, because my tank seems to be in excellent condition. Could it be the bamboo?  That is the most recent change so it could be the reason, but I'm going to go ahead and clean the tank tomorrow just to make sure it's not the tank conditions causing this. All comments are welcome and it's nice to be back!
Oh and thanks, EricNH and looking-glass! Good luck with making your own , EricNH!




Tada! I couldn't manage pics of the gouramis, but they're getting better after the tank clean so they should be fine.
Looks very nice! i want one of those blue "crayfish"(don't know the exact name)
Glad your gouramies are getting better. Your crayfish is very cool looking.
Thanks! I got it on ebay for $20, but they only called it "blue crayfish" so I have no idea what type it is. Turns out those are very popular things for sale in the fish and aquariums section, and not too pricey either if you look for the right ones ( 20 was actually a deal so they're pretty pricey). He's probably the most interesting pet in there, he keeps looking for a way out so if you get one you need to make sure that it's sealed shut.

* Another update: I'm planning on getting some more tetras and maybe some danios. If anyone knows of other fish that go well with semi-aggressive fish please let me know! 
Wow!! I love the look of your tank! Love the bubbles effect!

Love the blue crayfish!! Now I want to keep one! Damn it! My wife's gonna kill me if she knows I'm gonna get a new crayfish! Lol!
Hey guys! After two very long months I'm back. Sorry about the delay/wait, I got so busy I just couldn't keep up with the forums. I made a few small changes to my tank to hopefully improve the overall health. Of some of those changes one of them involved giving away the last of my otos to a friend of mine who I sucked into the world of aquariums. They seemed to be being harassed by Barnabas (the crawfish) so I figured it'd be best to put them in a more peaceful environment. I also purchased aquarium salt for my tank to help lower the stress in it. I didn't get any new fish, though.
I haven't had much time to work with the aquarium, only the necessities. A funny new development, Barnabas has become even more meddlesome. He's started digging holes and such underneath the slate cave that I made causing me to have to go in and fill it back up in order to keep the structural integrity. So my goal before this school semester starts and everything gets very busy again is to add a few fish to the tank and to get Barnabas a little cave.
Hi Addey411.  Just wondering how your tank is getting along.  When I started mine, I was all over it for about 6 months, then my water changes dropped to about 1 every 2 weeks, and I kept my tank on low maintenance.  Now I am back into iut full bore, and have made a few changes to the way I do things to make it easier to maintain.  I am wondering if you're going through the same slump that I did due to your busy schedule.  If so, don't be discouraged!  Stay with it and your little aquatic world will eventually flourish.
Anyway, I'm off to see about getting a couple more discus.  I shouldn;t, but I just can;t help myself!  My tank is looking so much better
Awesome! I'm glad your tank is doing better! And yeah, that slump happened. My classes are making it really hard for me to manage time to write about my aquarium. It's been a pretty long time since I've posted and sorry about that. Everything's been going good, though. All of my fish are still alive and healthy, except my two Gouramis are having discoloration on the edge of their fins. It's yellow this time, which is really making me worry. I've rearranged my tank, and added a temperature gauge and ammonia strip. I'm using it to determine if the tank's ready for any new additions. Everything's good so I'm gonna add some more skirt tetras and probably shrimp too. Barnabas likes it when his food is running... Which is slightly disturbing, but hey, he needs a good diet. If anyone knows any other fish that might be good additions to my tank, let me know. I need compatible fish that don't have long fins... Well, I'll try to keep updating my tank progress. Here are pictures of the new redecoration. I just cleaned the gravel so the tank's a bit cloudy.
I finally got rid of the random mix of gravel I had! I replaced it with natural-looking brown/tan gravel, and the tank now has an Asian garden theme Right now the tank is rather cloudy so I'll post a pic of the finished work when it's cleared up and the fish are in it. :)

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