my fishy is ill


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
hey all I am in yet another delema.... I noticed today that one of my A.Masoini has a small siver colored patch just behind his gill cover and that when he is swiming around doing his little thing he some times has almost what looks like a seizure. I have bever seen this in one of my fish but it also looks like he is haveing a harder time breathing than what all of the others are have almost like he is gasping for air HELP him please please help him
yeah I tested it about 4 days ago and everything was fine. all of this must have started today cause last night every one was normal. he is the smallest fish in the tank and there is a very dominate male there but he pretty much leaves everyone alone and even shares his cave with the other dominate male of the tank my electric yellow.
I took a closer look at my sick fish last night and this morning. it looks like he has a hole in his side.... I don't know if it is because one of my two more dominate males showed him the ropes and said this is my area or not but that is waht it looks like I think that I am going to go and move him out of there later today into a 2.5 gallon tank that I have set up for him and in general any of my sick fish. I think that he will be fine since he is no more than an inch long.

is there any medication that I should put in to the tank that may help or should I let him just do his thing?
Hi Juanveldez.
I've found melafix to be very good for open wounds on fish.
It's made from tea tree so it is a very good antibactit and great at repairing open wounds and damaged fins.
Have a look at
Hope your fish is beter soon. :D
well I got my maisoni moved into his new home for the next couple of weeks. we will see if that helps..... it seems that he has been in a fight of some kind. he has a bite wound just behind his pectoral fin it looks like he went 9 rounds with a pirhana

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