My fishroom.

February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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You know I did think of putting some tanks into the conservatory but its either too hot or too cold in there and so I'll just have to make do with converting the garage for now :D

Bathroom I think is a no with all those soapy suds flying around when my kids are in there :fun: and the unusual pongs as you say :sick:
i just love the pictures and the little bit of info you have put under each. fascinating. can we have more please :p
do you have like 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Bettas? :blink: ..i want the gold male haha i already have all veils and as what BM calls trailer trash, yours make me go get my moms credit card LOL
Yeevia :wub: It looks so great and I can totally appreciate all of the hard work you put in to your fish :nod: It really shows, they all look fantastic :wub: You're a great betta daddy :nod:

And your fish room thread is FUN :fun: (my thread is like "yeah, here's to the the right... " :zz ) :lol:
*waves hi to the little reds*

Is this some of your ceramic work in this pic...? :drool:
Good morning everyone!!! It is snowing!!! In my breeding tank. LOL :lol:
It is what my perdiction as always. The best of Show that Kelly helping me to bid on is officially a Daddy now! LOL

Hi Kelly! Yes, I make ceramics.:) Checkout my website. I think i do better with pictures than just writing. LOL People attacking me on my words. LOL I tried! LOL J/K !


Here is what it's look like in a betta world. Betta can see better than us. He know which one turned out to babies. He do count one by one too every moment. Don't expect to steal his eggs because he did count it. He never sleep the whole 30 hours and always guarding the eggs. He always be gentle while takingcare of his eggs. He keep observing all his eggs, moving here and there, cleaning the eggs, and the one that don't fertilized, he have to eat them before it got fungus infection to the others eggs. Now lets us look carefully into the eggs! LOOK AT THOSE TINY BABY IN THE EGG SACK. SO CUTE!


Here is today in the morning as I woke up as usual, shower with snowy little frys!!! Father working real hard because the babies is playing on him. DADDY!!! I AM FALLING!!! HELP ME.....HEHEHEHE. DADA!!! I AM FALLING TOO!!! CATCH ME!!! HURRY!!! KEKEKEKEKE
But some play too much until the daddy don't have time to pick them up and go hit on the head on the floor. PUNK! OOCHHH!!!! err...hmmmm..errrrr My head hurt!!!! DADA!!!! ARRRReee.......... DADA DON"T LOVE ME ANY MORE!!! My head hurts!!!


There he goes. Catching one by one into his tenderness mouth. But don't worried, he won't eat it. He will spit out again up into the bubble nest. That is how it goes from now on and Daddy keeps playing the game with his own kids. This is what I am talking about baby seating.


I have come to a conclusion in the end. In the wild, betta been surviving without the help from our human hands. In my observation until now, I saw tenderness side of the male betta, they work hard to keep their offspring survive. They know it is his babies and I know they will never eat his own child. Therefore, I have been letting the father to do his best to raise his childs. All I can do is helping him the surport food and tidy up his tank since they all living in my roof.


But I can't promise all of you that betta wont eat their babies, for examples in this world, we all mostly kind in human being, but there do have people who have otherside that killing each other even their own offspring. Same as betta too. There must have a reason if they do that.

THE END. :whistle:
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Those are the clearest shots I've ever seen! I'll have to go check out your site, I wanna see your stuff :nod:
OMG That shoudl be a TFF Banner

Kelly Make it a Banner

I agree, lovely set up, i bet there is a lot of work involved. :cool:
I am back with more pictures taken. :)LOL
Oh. i have a great time with my digital camera today. Just like a journey into betta world. It is so much fun crussing around my house, my yard, my ceramics studio looking for something interesting. :lol: LOL Oh yeah, Kelly. Check it out. I still have to redesign my website too this summer. I do have plenty of stuff in my plate. I need to do my betta web too. I am waiting for my second hand powerbook laptop to arrive this weekend. I still have dreamweaver to study so I can upload my web to the internet. I still have to make ceramics pieces to donating to the TAP. I will make a nice mug for you Kelly when I work on this saturday in my studio. :) Oh yeah, I am off teaching right now until end of June teaching one class for the summer. It is nice to be a Lecturer in a University. After teaching, off!! LOL :lol:
If you want to use my pictures, go ahead Kelly. No problems with me. :)
Oh yeah. A lot of work but it makes so much fun in my life I tells ya. I think I get a lot of enjoyment out of this too and loves it. But makesure don't used this as to make money for your life. You need to have an extra sources to keep going your fun thing. LOL Right Kelly? LOL :hyper:
This is not UK. LOL Bettaman!!! hahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
OK. I am downloading the picture from my camera to my computer. LOL Then have to resize and crop them up. after that, have to up load to this image free website. I don't know how many pictures they will let you load up. I am hoping it is still available for me to up load. LOL
Here is the 75 gallon tank in my ceramics studio.
I found out there still got males inside the tank. If anyone wants some red chilli halfmoon geno males as freebie, pm me. You only need to pay for the priority shipping and some box cost. Only problems is that their tails been nipping off and they will growth back since they are still juvenile. I don't think I will jar them because I don't have containers right now. No kink or crock in their tail. They are all sensasional geno by the way and only problems is their fins been nipe off by siblings. LOL PM me. :)


Here is a big shot of the babies. I thought they all females but still got males there. LOL


That is all for today! Work! Opps. I still have to post up the orange male for freebie.
Who wants trio freebies red chilli halfmoon geno? Not many to go and I have to count how many I found in the community tank. Each person will get 2 males and 1 female or 2 females and 1 male. the body are all perfect. No kink or crock tail except the fins been nipping off especially the males and I don't think I will jaring them. Don't worried, their fins will growth back by the way if you give them loving tendercare. :)
You just paid $10.00 only for all the priority shipping cost, comfirmation, 40 hours heatpack, insulated box, packaging materials and paypal interest 3 percents LOL.
PM me if you interested. :p Makesure you say HI DARLING! LOL :hyper: J/K LOL :rofl:
I can only send out on next tuesday so please hurry and take advantages on me. LOL :lol: I am free for now. LOL :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl:
HEY! I am serious to give away the freebies. :*)
Man Yeevia, what camera do you use??? Those pics of the father with his babies are nothing short of amazing!!

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