My Fishless Cycle Log

Ok so I'm back, a day late (bloody weather) but back so now I'm gonna do me next test between 11 - 12 tonight so will see whats up in the tank. I had a thought about the 90% water change I'm gonna do. How can I bring that big of volume of water upto the same temp as in the tank?

Just thinkin of the logistics as last time I just used a hose to put it in straight from tap. smaller changes aint gonna be a prob, but a big one, not sure how it's done.
Do you have a combi boiler? If so, I have read from the experts on here that you can mix hot and cold to a good temp, condition and add that way. If not I think you will have to boil up the water from the cold tap and mix to the correct temp. Don't forget to turn the heater off 15 mins before removing the water though
(PS I had double zeros tonight-missed the test last night, so it may even be the second night!)
Carole x
Na I think the combi boiler idea is out.boiling water could do the trick I guess. but it's still ok to fill the tank with hose 1st, just don't turn pump on till it's regulated right?
What about decholrinating if you fill from a hosepipe? After all your hard work you don't want to kill off all your lovely bacs!!!!! I would wait to see if any of the experts have a better idea, but I think somewhere on here I saw a post about large water changes
I usually de-chlorinate with tap safe after fillin tank. can that stuff kill the bacteria then?
Yes, I and many others do direct re-fill of the tank after most of the water is gravel-cleaned out. When you direct fill you need to dose the conditioner in the amount for the full volume of the tank, not the amount you are adding back (the reason is that the conditioner is less effective being added to tank water, which has lots of organics in it, as opposed to pure tap water.) If you are refilling via buckets you can just dose to the bucket volume. During cycling and for some months following, I recommend dosing at 1.5x to 2x the manufacturers recommendation in case the water authority has overdosed your chlorine product. Don't go beyone 2x though as that slows N-Bac growth. I also recommend Seachem Prime as a really good conditioner for beginners partly because of how well it handles problems and partly because it is so concentrated as to be very inexpensive on a per-dose basis.

I use a single outlet mixing faucet to adjust hot and cold to match what my hand feels in my cup of recently removed tank water. My USA hot water heater is simply a fiberglass tank and I do not worry about excess copper or other contamination problems. I'd suspect it to be very rare that household hot water was not ok for getting the cold tap up to temperature, although we do hear stories about those London row houses or whatever, lol.

although we do hear stories about those London row houses or whatever, lol.
:lol: Cheeky beggar!
I read that someone, when doing a big change, uses a hosepipe and trickles the conditioner into the stream, I wonder if that's an option?
Carole x
Oh, I forgot to say that the way I add the conditioner is to split it in half, dosing the first bit right before I start the hose refill and the second half right after. Or I just dose the whole thing right before I do the fill. I dose directly to the tank into the filter output stream (which I usually have still running, but I do not recommend that beginners keep their filter running during water changes.)

I think I need to get a mixing attatchment for my hose then. It's been snowin here so will see what can be achieved today. Also I noticed that my temp readin has dropped a couple of degrees so looks like the heater has kinda met it's match with the outside air. Might have to adjust to see if I can compensate for it.

I'll try and find some Seachem Prime too

Specialist Marine Aquatics on Ebay - thats where i got my seachem prime. Great price and delivery...................but they are closed until 02 jan :(

Thanks for the google document idea - its great!:good:
Np's m8 glad to help :)

so I did me 90% water change today. It didn't go too bad. Were some degrees off around 7 - 9c infact so could be worse. I'll get those pics taken while I have clear water again. The heaters back on and warming up the water and I bought a heater for the room so hopin that'll raise the room temp enough so the tank heater can do it's thing better.

Fingers x'd now



Nay bad if I do say so meself :)

The green plant on the left, is that silk or plastic?
Does it move about with the water movement?

I am looking to get some fake plant like that one as i am not looking for real stuff just yet!

ps i think theres somebody in your room taking photos! :rofl:
Hehe aye ignore that plonker.

They're all plastic as far as I'm aware. Do the job well though imo. The tallest green one moves with the current from the draw of the pump too.

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