Video My Fish Tank :d


New Member
Feb 18, 2011
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new zealand
hey all, this is my tropical fishtank, had it for over a year now,all real plants, dont use co2 or anything. in the tank at the moment (im saving up for some more fish :D) are...
-3 columbian tetras
-3 neon tetras
-2 emerald eye tetras
-1 chain loach
-2 blue rams (older male, young female)
-2 danios

the male blue ram is a little sick, but hes getting better i think :)

heres the video, i think you have to click the picture below...

thanks for watching,

hey all, this is my tropical fishtank, had it for over a year now,all real plants, dont use co2 or anything. in the tank at the moment (im saving up for some more fish :D) are...
-3 columbian tetras
-3 neon tetras
-2 emerald eye tetras
-1 chain loach
-2 blue rams (older male, young female)
-2 danios

the male blue ram is a little sick, but hes getting better i think :)

heres the video, i think you have to click the picture below...

Great pics but could you keep the camera steady and let the fish come to you Love the plants what ever you do dont get a Silb=ver Doller for that tank cause the LOVE plants

thanks for watching,


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