My fish and tanks


Fish Herder
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
First, The Cichlid Tank :)

I'm not done adding rocks yet as I just recently changed the tank into an African Cichlid tank so right now everything looks a bit crappy :p






Tank shot:

Btw...If anyone knows what fish the blue ones are, can you please let me know :D At the lfs it said they were Cobalt Blue Zebras but I noticed Cobalts have a little bit of white on them, which mine don't :dunno:
Now, my Bettas...

This is the only good pic I can get of this one, He's always flaring everytime something goes near his tank :/
This is Cheeko:



NoName: :p



I have 3 more bettas but couldnt get good pics of them :rolleyes:

Thanks for looking :D
Great pics! :cool:

Your angel is beautiful, and so is Poof. :wub:

I never knew you kept cichlids. :shifty:

I see (in your profile) you have a few empty 10g tanks. You should get think about getting some shellies. :nod:
cometcattle said:
I never knew you kept cichlids. :shifty:

I see (in your profile) you have a few empty 10g tanks. You should get think about getting some shellies. :nod:
I would love to. I kind of have this little problem though....I have no place to put them :hyper: I was thinking about setting them up downstairs but I dunno if my parents would go for that :p

I've only had the Africans for about a week and a half and I love them :wub: MUCH better than guppies :lol:

About the angel....Thank you :D I love that fish, He is my favorite and always will be :wub:

And Poof is an awesome fish too, I used to do volunteer work at this place called Animal Aide, and they had a cat named Poof there and he was so cute, so I named my fish after that cat :p

Thanks guys :)
Awww adorable pleco, reminds me of my one sitting right behind me, about the same size too, they are so lovely, and nice angel you got there, nice long finnage point to him being well looked after and is hapy where he is...

I have one question, i aint a betta keeper, however how do betta's like it in small bowl like that? If i was to ever get one, i would get him a good size tank like a 1 foot long one or something...


Thats a point i might get one today as well then and try my luck at them

Thanks Zenn :)

The bowl is a 1 gallon. They don't seem to mind, I don't usually like keeping them in one gallon tanks (2 gallons and up is what I would go for) but if you want a lot of bettas then you don't have much of a choice then to keep them in 1 gallons :lol: The red and blue betta is right beside my computer monitor and he doesnt seem to move much anyway, he'll swim around his bowl and look around but then he stops and stares at me for awhile for some reason, kinda creepy :hey: but he builds bubblenests like crazy so I'm sure he's happy :p just gotta keep up with the waterchanges and you'll have one happy little betta :wub:
Lovely tanks, very nice angel :) Zebras come in various color morphs so maybe it's just a slight variation. Anyway, in your 20 gallon (where the angel is), you have this tall grass-like kind of plant. What is it? :p

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