My First Tank


Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Bathgate, Scotland, UK
This is my first attempt at any tropical tank and so far i feel like it's going ok.

It's a 45 Us Gallon With Eheim ecco filter, 1x30w 1x39w lighting. I am going to make a DIY CO2 kit soon. I am adding liquid fert after weekly 20% water change.

The fish in the tank are:

11 dwarf rainbowfish
4 Schwartzi corys
3 swordtails
2 East Euro rams
1 rtb shark
4-5 Algae/amano shrimp

The left hand side of the tank's bare just now..well nearly, but i'm strugglin to think about how to scape it. Any ideas would be great.

The tank has been running with plants in for around a month and fish for around two weeks. I previously did a fishless cycle.

Also any improvements/ constructive critisisms about the tank or anything really would be helpful!






The tank looks superb, especially for someone who is only starting out! You've got a really good contrast of colour and light - it's beautiful.

In my opinion, I would scape the left hand side like the right, with more bogwood and contrasting plants. The red rocks [they are rocks aren't they?] in the middle look good, and another bit of bogwood sticking out the left side would complete the look, i think.

Can we have a list of the plants you've got in there as well please? I really like the set-up.

Lovely job,

The tank looks superb, especially for someone who is only starting out! You've got a really good contrast of colour and light - it's beautiful.

In my opinion, I would scape the left hand side like the right, with more bogwood and contrasting plants. The red rocks [they are rocks aren't they?] in the middle look good, and another bit of bogwood sticking out the left side would complete the look, i think.

Can we have a list of the plants you've got in there as well please? I really like the set-up.

Lovely job,


thanks alot :blush: :D i'm still not happy with it. it's getting there though!

the rocks are just barbecue lava rock. £5 for the pack, washed and then in the tank! I am really happy with them.

ok from left to right!

1x large amazon sword + 2 anon plants that i think are non-aquatic (only one is beginning to root after a month in the tank, and both have stems that can support their weight)

a scabby portion of wisteria ( due to my tiger barbs-they have since gone)

riccia fluitans- just in today so not great yet (must say thanks to Moody for posting it to me :good:)

anubias nana on the rocks - far left

then a small plant - looks like amazon sword, but not sure)

java moss above the cave

small amazon sword below the cave

another plant i expect is non-aquatic as it can support it's own weight (although new leaves are coming on it and it is beginning to root)

more large amazon sword at back (planted)

another medium amazon sword at the front

and then to the guessed... another amazon sword

cabomba- back right

saggitaria on front of the bogwood ( must say thanks to Themeulous sp? :good:)

oh and the substrate is cactus compost with a mix of rounded golden gravel and another gravel that is sort of slate coloured and a bit more sharp unfortunately.
Great first attempt, i would have been well pleased if my first go came out like that, if you even out the left hand side similar to what was suggest it would look amazing. Keep the pictures coming.
thanks again. it's just getting a hold of plants here is kinda hard, all my lfs are pretty rubbish at plants lol!
what's quite surprising though is that my nearest pets at home is a tropica dealer! :good: i may have to try and order through them sometime soon.

i cant find java fern anywhere though, which i would like to attch to rocks. Also finding HC is hard too may need to get them mail ordered from the internet.

thanks for your comments.

I am going to remove the cabomba. I dont like it. What could i replace it with??

thanks again. it's just getting a hold of plants here is kinda hard, all my lfs are pretty rubbish at plants lol!
what's quite surprising though is that my nearest pets at home is a tropica dealer! :good: i may have to try and order through them sometime soon.

i cant find java fern anywhere though, which i would like to attch to rocks. Also finding HC is hard too may need to get them mail ordered from the internet.

thanks for your comments.

I am going to remove the cabomba. I dont like it. What could i replace it with??
Get your DIY Co2 on the go asap if you ask me, easy'st way is, grab a pop bottle put some sugar in the bottom ( about an inch deep) then a tea spoon of bicarbinate of soda, and half a tea spoon of yeast.
With the yeast, add it to a little warm water to activate it, then add this to to sugar in the bottle, then fill the bottle to within two inches from the top maybe three with more warm water and hay presto and DIY Co2 cannister. All you need then is a hose out of the bottle top/lid ( tight fitting, no leeks now!) into a diffuser and finy.

Jobs a gooden.
Get your DIY Co2 on the go asap if you ask me, easy'st way is, grab a pop bottle put some sugar in the bottom ( about an inch deep) then a tea spoon of bicarbinate of soda, and half a tea spoon of yeast.
With the yeast, add it to a little warm water to activate it, then add this to to sugar in the bottle, then fill the bottle to within two inches from the top maybe three with more warm water and hay presto and DIY Co2 cannister. All you need then is a hose out of the bottle top/lid ( tight fitting, no leeks now!) into a diffuser and finy.

Jobs a gooden.

i was one step quicker than you lol! :p I bought the stuff today i'm in the middle of setting it up. I dont have any valves, but these arent necessary, right?
If its the NutraFin one then no.
One thing with the NUtraFin is that the mix that you get isnt that great, its basically what i sugested but for about triple the price, and the mix i sugested to you gives more Co2 for the mix and lasts longer.

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