Kaatz said:
Im making a tank, and I was wondering if these fish would live together in a 29 gallon tank. Please take time and read each page. because im a begginner and I need your help. If you dont want to help I understand.
-Seth kaatz
No worries, Seth. We're happy to help around here.
Since you've posted those profiles, you're obviously doing some research beforehand, which is a great start. You picked some lovely fish and for the most part, they are fairly compatible. There are a few other things you might want to consider though, as you make up your stocking plan.
Consider the hardier, but also lovely, bolivian ram over the blue ram (butterfly cichlid) you posted. Blue rams are notoriously sensitive and really should only be kept after you have a bit more experience (as well as a mature tank). They're also overbred in Asia at the moment, leading to a lot of pretty weak strains. They're certainly not out of the question, but take a look at other options. Keeping an individual or a compatible pair (of either species) would be best.
I'd also consider a smaller schooling species to start with than the congo tetras. They might be a bit cramped in a 30" tank. They also tend to be pretty pricey for a fish you need to buy at least 6 of...
Dermogenys pusillus (wrestling halfbeak) should be fine but tend to be a bit needy. Read up on them and make sure you provide a good environment for them. 1 male for every 2-3 females. You might want to decide between them and guppies, just because there are only so many fish you can keep in a 29g...
While I do agree with Ethos that khulis prefer sand, I don't think there's any reason you shouldn't go with sand as a substrate. Get at least 4 khulis (preferrably more) as they are much happier if they have other khulis around.
With good filtration and regular maintenance, you should be able to stock something like this:
3 guppies or halfbeaks (1M:2F)
2 bolivian rams (1M:1F)
6 smaller tetra or other schooling species (harlequin rasbora are a good, colorful, and relatively hardy schooler)
4 khuli loaches
If you have any more questions, just ask...
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