My First Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 30, 2005
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Only had my tank a few weeks and old got around to filling with water last week, currently doing a fishless cycle, so no fish yet, but it's got plants...just need them to grow a bit :)

Ooops, sorry about this the size is a bit big, need to look at this again!

looks nice, add a big piece of driftwood and it will look great, maybe a couple more rocks actually.
I like that. Im def going for the rock/plant decor on my next tank. Prob change my current tank too.
Thanks for the comments, it does look a bit empty at the top I admit, but I'm hoping some of the plants in there will grow up and fill the space, maybe I could put some floating plants in till they grow?

As this is my first attempt, wasn't sure how mad to go with the rocks so I've just put a few in initially, infact on the left hand side, I've built the green rock into a cave, but it's a bit obscured by the plant, I also toyed with the idea of driftwood, but my wife doesn't like tanks with brown water which can happen with the wood ( sounds daft but it took me a lot of work just to get her to agree to have the tank in the first place!), I believe that a carbon filter would take this out and clear the water, but it would also take other nutrients out, so I'm just not sure at the moment.


:p its looking great!i agree more plants and mabe some more rocks.But its up to you
Looks great so far! It'll look even better when the plants start growing and filling in :nod:. I think a nice interesting piece of bogwood would look wonderful in there.
Constructive criticms though, if I may? I think spreading the plants out *just a tidge* would give it a more natural look... you know, keeping them in clumps but moving them far enough apart so that it doesn't look like their stems all meet at the bottom :)
Thanks for the comments, looks like the bogwood needs to be investigated, if I have time this weekend I'll have a look, I'd want to get it in the tank before any fish.
Thanks for the comments about the plants, I literally did just stick them in the tank, they all still have the lead and foam round the bottom, which I was planning to remove when the tank has cycled and I do a big water change, hopefully they will have some reasonable roots and I can also spread them out a bit at the same time.


Latest piccy of tank, added a few more plants and the ones from the earlier piccy have grown a bit. Still no bogwood though, just can't make my mind up.



Wow i tihkn that the first tank looked good but this tank looks even better! congradulations as this is your first tank and it looks a heck of a lot better than my first tank! :D
It's looking great!! The plants growing in really is a drastic improvement :cool:

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