My First Spawnings Of My Sterbai!


Sinclair Aquatic Systems
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom, Scarborough
Im so happy! :hyper: my c. sterbai have spawned! unfortunatly, i was away when i beleive they first began spawning as there were little remains of eggs all over the tank.
i had recently done a 20% water change and replaced the water with cold RO water which may have triggered spawning.
however, i have a pair of kribs in the same tank and they had wised up to what was going on before i had. as soon as the sterbai seem active, they are straight in and following them everywhere, eating any eggs as soon as they are laid.

fortunatly!!! i found 4 little eggs laid behind my heater (god knows how they got there!) and have waited all day for them to go hard.
now, they are in my net at the top of the water. i have put some anti-fungus in the water to stop the eggs from getting infected with fungus. so far, its working :nod:

is there any other precautions i could take to try and help the eggs survive?
how long should it be until the eggs hatch?

congrats! Good Job!

My sterbai will eat their eggs, too, so it may not be all the kribs fault. :drool:
mine hatch within 3-5 days i have them in a containing with an airstone in the main tank they spawned in i change the water 2-4 times a day with the water from the main tank and so far so good i feed them twice a day on decap brine shrimp and microwrom and the seem 2 be growing nice and quick and look very healthy had some fatalities but i think thats 2 be exppected 2 a certain degree but they looked week from hatchin so 2 me was expected. anyways hope that helped :)

hey! thanks for that! but now atleast i know, if these eggs don't survive, that my corys are old enough to breed :D the tricky thing is to find something to occupy the kribensis while the corys are spawning. my female krib is heavily filled with eggs and the male has, over the past week or so, shown alot of interest in her so when they begin spawning, i am going to do a 20% water change with cold RO water to induce the corys to spawn. is this a good idea?

also, the eggs are about 2-3 days old now i think so is there any formations i should be about to see like eyes in the eggs or anything?

Is this the first spawn for the kribs? When territorial fish like Cichlids start mating their behaviors can change quite a lot. Keep an eye on them. They could get very aggressive. In general Cory phobes don't recommend keeping Cichlids and Corys together. Perfectly polite fish can change dramatically as they age.

The main thing to watch for is that the eggs don't fungus and thet they stay translucent and don't go "dead" white. You may watch and see the little wigglers as they mature. Yes eyes I think. Frankly I never watch the eggs that closely. LOL
yeh within a few hours i notice the eggs go like a greyish colour then within 2 day u can see little eyes and if u look closely u can also see the little fry moving about in the egg itself :) mite be just me but i find it so cute and fasinating lol :) but ive always been told im a little strange :p

as for the cold RO water yeh good idea feed the quite heavily for a couple days first on live food and then do a bigish water change i usally do arounf 40% droping water around 5-7 degrees and mine start spawning with in an hour usually but sayin that mine spawn with out a water changes aswell:)
feed them as there spawning i found this helps them not concentrate on eating the eggs so much aswell and also keeps mom fit and healthy also full of energy while laying the eggs :)

hope that helps m8ee

:hyper: :D :hyper: :fun: :hyper:

my eggs have hatched!!! :D :D :D

after worrying about the eggs not been fertilised, i took a closer look.
the other day, i got a peice of air tube/line (whatever ya wanna call it), put my thumb over one end, put the open end over the eggs and released my thumb which sucked the eggs up. they were out of the water but in the water in the tube. i could see the eggs really close and one of the little babies inside was wiggling around. i found it so cute!

when corydoras breed, do the eggs come out fertilised or does the male go over them after they are laid and fertilise them?

anyway, i had four eggs remaining but one went white, despite the "100% affective" antifungus stuff my lfs sold me, so i had to ditch it. i now have 3 little baby c. sterbai shooting around a little net at the top of my tank and its amazing :D

im hoping to get more eggs next time round lol 3 is a start though! :D
congrats m8ee yeh they are really cute :) as 2 how there fertilzed the female collects sperm from the males and some how fertilizes as she places them where ever she places them well this is a close as ppl know as far as ive read about them u will often see the female looking like she is attacking a male bit like a T position i presume this is when she collects the sperm :) i think thats rite anyways lol

but yeh congrats m8ee and hope stay healthy and alive for u :)

thanks! :shifty: i figured out what it was that had triggered them to spawn.
it was the water change, but not the colder temperature. i hadn't done a water change in about 2 weeks because i hadn't been home for a while but now i have a car, i can buy RO water all the time without struggling to bike with 2 5litre bottles in my bag and then go back up to get the third. now i can just go up there, get it and bring all 3 bottles back in one go :)
anyway, im guessing it was the sudden water change of softer water that triggered their spawning because my kribensis were at it too. but i dont think they quite got round to it because they were too busy eating the cory eggs while they were soft and i moved them to another tank to prevent them from eating the eggs but in the other tank, they seemed to hate each other. now im back to square one with them! i do have 3 baby cories though :D

its a course of trial and error really. im going to do some water changes with my tap water, pH of about 8ish, until the cory fry get big enough to sell, then im gonna do a water change with RO water. I will divide the tank to seperate the kribs from the cories. that way, the kribs may get laying eggs and the cories should too.

...but what to seperate the tank with... ?

also, how long does it take for the yolk sack to be completely consumed? in other words, when should i start feeding them food? :look: and what do i feed them?


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