My first spawn log


Mar 1, 2005
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Long Island, Ny
I'm a little late in starting this log. The eggs have already hatched. I'll fill in what has already occurred, then keep it updated. Due to comp problems, I will not be able to post any PICS right now. I hope you'll still read this. I know the best parts are always the PICS. I'll try to have my comp bugs worked out, so I can post PICS by the time the fry start to get color.

MOM is a pastel SD, from HM line. (I was told she was pastel, but when I got her I'd say she is more like a grizzle.) She does have lots of rays, and is close to HM. She is the first female I got in the mail about 5 months ago. I think she is 8-9 months old. She is the largest female I have. Mostly light/white, some pastel blue green marbling.

DAD hard to describe, I haven't seen another betta his color. That is why I wanted to breed him. He is a mutt, from a PETCO. As we all know sometimes the mutts are the most beautiful. Looks like he is a Veil/CT mix. I'm thinking his coloring is due to a wild mix as well.
He is mostly black. But it is a Smokey, Lacey black. There is a little white streaking in his fins. His entire body & fins are covered in a mix of blue, green and light yellow/green iridescence.

I think I'm going to work with this line for a while. I would like to bring this color to HM. I chose this female because I hope to keep red out of this line, and for her overall makeup.
This is how it went.

Both were conditioned, then the male was added to the tank. Female in a jar in the tank. I had been having problems using a cup for the male to build under. Even after using some bubble nest (from the female tank of all places). So on day 2 (SEPT 1) I decided to try a 3-4 inch square piece of bubble wrap. That worked like a charm.

Within 20 min, he had made a full nest. I let the female out, and she went right for the nest. You would have thought they had done this a million times before. There was a little chase, but everything looked OK. I left them alone, and checked on them about 30 min later. Already there were eggs, and I was blown away.

She was still real fat, so I left them alone for about 2 more hours. When I checked on them again, she still had eggs, but was hiding in the far bottom corner of the tank. So, I took her out.

From the start the male was an A+ dad. I kept looking around the tank with a flashlight. Everytime the light hit an egg on the bottom, the male would swim over and grab it. I felt so helpful. :lol: I watched for about 10 min. Sure that he wasn't snacking, I left him in, and went to bed.

Early morning SEPT 3 They started hatching. I had to go to work, so I couldn't really watch. All day I kept wondering if I would come home to a really full, or really empty tank. :rofl: I got home grabbed my flashlight, and saw some tails.
:kana: There is a plant right next to t bubblenest, so it is hard to see how many there are.

SEPT 4. I got up and checked on the fry. The plant is in a slightly diff. position, I can see that there are HUNDREDS of little tails. For those of you who haven't seen my FRY QUESTION, it looks like some are white/clear, and others are black, or black lined. I am told that means they will be darker, and the others will be lighter. I was amazed to see that there is a diff. already. It does seem strange though, that most are the light ones. I would have thought that most would be dark, since it is dominant. It should be interesting to see how they change.
If only I could find a female that is that cooperative!!! :angry:
Sept 5
Watched them for about 30 min before bed lastnight, actually it was after mid, so Today. Most were free swimming, and dad wasn't paying much attention. While I was trying to get an estimated count, I thought I saw him grab a couple. I watched, and waited for him to bring them back to the nest. He didn't. Since I was going to bed, I didn't to chance it. So he was pulled. He didn't look happy about it.
yay! I love spawn logs! tell Daddy that if he misses his babies so much that he needs to be able to tell them apart from his bloodworms! :p hopefully you can get some pics soon. could you possibly load them onto a friends computer? I've done that before.
I tried to take some pics today. They look like little specks. So even if I could post they wouldn't look like anything. I will try that though with the pics I have of the parents. I only have 1 decent pic of dad. It is very hard to get his true color to show in pics.
ooohh! Yay! I love spawn logs....congrats on the little babies :) Good luck with them all...Ill be watching :)
Wow, awesome! You are so lucky that your fish are so cooperative! I can't wait for pics of the family! :cool:
Sept 10
My tiny babies are now a week old. I breed them in a 5 gallon tank filled about 5 inches. The bottom was getting pretty dirty, so for their b-day, the fry got a change of home.

First I had to scoop everyone out of the tank. It must have taken about an hour. I counted each as I transfered it to a small bowl. I put 25 in a bowl, then started a second one. I filled 4 bowls, and still had a couple more fry. I then took the remaining fry out 1 by 1, and split them between the 4 bowls. TOTAL= 108 fry.

I then took 2 gallons of their water, and put it into a 10 gallon tank. Next I took 2 gallons of aged water, and put it in the 10 gallon. After I added a thermometer, hooked up the heater, and a small filter; I floated the 4 bowls in the 10 gallon.
When the temp had reached 82, I slowely started to add the new tank water to the bowls.

With all 108 babies in the new tank, they were given another b-day surprise. Their first meal of Baby Brine. They ate like little piggies. I have taken a fairly good pic of dad, and will try to add it in the next day or so.
I hope this comes out right. This should be the pic of the dad of my fry. Even thought it said "Me and my Greyhounds". I told you I was having trouble with my computer.


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