At my LFS, they take awesome care of all their fish except for the female bettas. They never get any females in so when they do, they toss them in the other tropical tanks instead of in those cups. So, while I was just picking up a plant for a friend, I saw this tiny, very young, tattered little girl in with a tank of super nippy tetras! She looked so depressed and skinny and her fins were torn so badly. I just couldn't leave her there so I bought her and made a complaint with the fish department about her condition. I'll post pics maybe tomorrow. She seems to have trouble swimming because of her fins, but she can get around ok. Everyone please pray for her! And think of good, strong names to give her (I swear animals always take after their names!)
You can't see it in the pic, but she has fin rot. She is very happily swimming around in her little one gal right now. She was so cute, flaring at her neighbors in the 5gal. She is swimming a thousand times better today! I think I'm going to tempt her to eat later with some live bloodworms.
You can't see it in the pic, but she has fin rot. She is very happily swimming around in her little one gal right now. She was so cute, flaring at her neighbors in the 5gal. She is swimming a thousand times better today! I think I'm going to tempt her to eat later with some live bloodworms.