My First Planted Tank Ever

nope ... it's cos I'm a mad woman who's crazy about cories!! It was a joke made by another member ages back so I changed it to that as a joke. Still relivent though. I have peppered cories, bronze cories, panda cories, melini cories and smudge-spot cories ... oh and one smudge-spot x panda hybrid :/
Yep a lotta cory's. I like the melini ones, they look cool and I also like the sterb variety, which kinda look like your smudges too 
I still want more varieties but right now I'm concentrating on getting some male smudge-spots so they might stop trying to breed with my male panda's!
Got some more shrimps but they came with a bonus too, about 100 babies some still attached and others of different ages some with colour some without £10 for 9!

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Cheers mi dears.. Fingers crossed but I need a small breeding tank.. Will get one very soon

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Here is my tank new using the co2 and fert stuff recommend by Akasha

And I managed to get myself a fry tank sorted out which is almost as large as my main tank

£15 from eBay and has about 20 guppy fry in there and 2 yellow shrimp fry that I found in my main tank

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After much deliberation I decided against the led lighting and bought myself a ballast replacement kit for the Jewel range. Today with some time to spare I got some wood and proceeded to build me a new lid and fit the kit which has 2 bulbs as opposed to the single 1 I had before.
The light is much better now and no dark spaces in the tank [emoji4]

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it's really coming on isn't it. The plants look very healthy ... happy to see that recommended fert is working it's magic :)
Cheers mi dears, yes indeed, just need the grass to speed it's self up now. Going to have to trim some at the too soon as they have reached the top

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Went away working for a week and the plants have gone crazy. Needs some heavy trimming later I think

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Thanks guys [emoji4]

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Invested in an Arcadia classica led light today and I think I need another.
Also lost some fish, my shark jaws2, I took him back to the shop because he didn't like anything in my tank, forever chasing the Cory's and whatever else came near. I found one of my large shrimps dead in the tank, possibly due to me changing the water and it being above the water line for too long? And my latest male guppy, whilst syphoning the tank it was sucked up the tube and died instantly, at least it was a quick death. On a lighter note my guppies popped and gave me 20 fry which the majority have been caught and now are making friends with their brothers and sisters in the fry tank.

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