My First Large Tank


New Member
Feb 10, 2008
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Alright, so I am about to start a 75 gallon tank (yay) and am going to be housing a few larger, more "aggressive" fish in there. I REALLY like these species here, and wanted to know if they could be housed together? One of each. The aquarium is also going to have live plants and such. It will take me a while to get it set up as I need to get the environment going with some other fish (probably just some guppies or something to get the water going, then introduce the other fish and they can eat the guppies).
The Species:
Ornate Bichir
Freshwater Lionfish
Common Plecostomus
Tiger Oscar Cichlid
Leopard Plecostomus
Red Tail Barracuda
False Leaf Fish

Can more fish be kept in there with only one of each of these guys?

I'll be getting the 75 gallon within the next two weeks to start the tank off. How long do I have to wait before I can put my planned fish in it? I'm trying to read up on it as much as I can, so any good site recommendations would be great as well. Thanks!
Wow, never mind! Well, I know I want an 'oddball' tank with live plants? Maybe? More of just the oddball fish than anything, any suggestions?
Fish that come to mind.

african knife fish
Butterfly fish
caecillian-(rubber eel)-not actually a fish

Also you have to cycle a tank before you put fish in it. The quickest way is to do a fishless cycle
Fish that come to mind.

african knife fish
Butterfly fish
caecillian-(rubber eel)-not actually a fish

Also you have to cycle a tank before you put fish in it. The quickest way is to do a fishless cycle

I've researched some and have decided on:
- 3-4 rope fish
- 4-8 "false leaf fish" (leopard ctenopoma/Ctenopoma acutarostra)
- 1 "crazy fish" (Butis butis)
- 4-8 AFRICAN knifefish (Xenomystus nigri)or "black knifefish"
- 2-4 African Butterflyfish (Pantodon buchholzi)
- school of loaches
- 4-8 Congo tetras
- a few angel fish

I'll be cycling the tank with some black skirt tetras and white skirt tetras. Thanks!
Just a little word of caution about the knifefish.
I was thinking of getting one of these guys but then decided against it after extensive research.
They cannot be put with any smaller fish even if grown with them, neons being one of their favourites. With slightly larger fish they apparently like the eyes and fins and will eat them leaving the fish to die in pain and somewhat slowish.
I read quite a few reviews about them and i pretty much only came across one completely positive response but even then they admitted that the store had said it was by far the nicest of all knifefish they've come across. So you might get lucky and get a nice one but i would personally steer clear of them even if it says they're compatible with other fish, seeing as most others have experienced the opposite.
Just a little word of caution about the knifefish.
I was thinking of getting one of these guys but then decided against it after extensive research.
They cannot be put with any smaller fish even if grown with them, neons being one of their favourites. With slightly larger fish they apparently like the eyes and fins and will eat them leaving the fish to die in pain and somewhat slowish.
I read quite a few reviews about them and i pretty much only came across one completely positive response but even then they admitted that the store had said it was by far the nicest of all knifefish they've come across. So you might get lucky and get a nice one but i would personally steer clear of them even if it says they're compatible with other fish, seeing as most others have experienced the opposite.

An experienced person that keeps TONS of tanks actually put this list together for me and said that this species of knife fish are pretty much laid back and won't go after larger fish.

Also, not getting any oscars.
hey krazzy
just my opinion but i think your getting a little bit of the wrong advice. First of all the amount of fish you have listed seems

to be to much for my 125 gallon tank let alone your 75. If you keep the inch per gallon rule 4 Knife fish are already at 48"

Depending on the loach some can reach 12". Not saying it cant be done, Water changes might become ur best friend though.

What size tank do u have presently??? Larger tanks i feel are easier to care for but of course more expensive.
also i can't see how a couple of tetras are going to be able to cycle the tank enough for all those fish! i mean common plecs alone will create LOADS more waste than the tetras
I think your best option would be to do a fishless cycle and then add your fish in two or three lots,
you would then be able to use this time to decude how exactly you want the tank to look, as well as get a certain stock listing and even find a stockist where these fish are available.

Also what are the dimensions of the tank? knowing dimensions can be more important than volume when keeping larger species

although the Xenomystus nigri will usually peak at around 8 inches and are said to be one of the less aggressive species i wouldn't keep anymore than 2 as adults generally won't tolerate their own kind
I agree with Davo86, You will be lucky if you can get two knife fish to live together peacefully. Young ones can be kept together, but they will become agreesive towards eachother as they get bigger.

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