My First Fish...

Ok, here's a photo of the new crew - two firefish (Britney and Paris) and an algae blennie (Hans zee German).

I got two peppermint shrimp as well, and despite finding them housed in a tank of aiptasia in my LPS, I've not noticed a difference so far. Hopefully they'll settle in and get hungry. I think there's quite a lot of nutrients in the tank anyway, so perhaps it'll be a while before they get busy.

Oh, and three red legged hermits too. Has anyone else found that hermits sit for a few days once you put them in? They don't seem to have moved much so far, well, not since a fight between my resident hermit when they first arrived.

Anyway, thanks for all of your advice on the anenome problem. I'm going to wait and see if the shrimps do anything, and failing that, find some Joe's Juice.


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Ive been partial to Psuedochromis's. They are beautiful and have lots of personality. My favorite two are the neon and the fridmani. check em out.

they're also two of the most expensive! a n00b will enjoy a strawberry or bicolor just as much as a neon/fridmani, for 1/4 the price. :D
I know that the neon is almost 50$ (however i think with how beautiful it is its worth it) but the fridmani is 12$ at my lfs. So....yea. Part of the reason your spend this much money on the salt hobby, is for beautiful fish, and beautiful corals in your tank. Why goto all this trouble to settle, just because something is cheaper?
Thanks! They're pretty cool, although they're not into the flake food I got, just the frozen brine shrimp food.

The flake just ends up landing on the bottom and it's a race between the bristle worms and the nassarius as to who can get there quicker!

I'm slightly concerned about overfeeding the fish though, as half of it seems to be blowing straight into the aiptasia. Would you recommend turning off the powerheads when feeding?

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