My First Ever Tank!


Fish Crazy
Aug 21, 2012
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Got my very first tank this June, tank is all cycled and everything has got fairly smoothly thanks to everyone on this forum.My tank is an Arcadia Arc 60l. Dimensions are 60 x 30 x 36 cm.
The stocking is 1 dwarf gourami, 5 harlequin rasbora and 3 otos. I'm going to up the number of rasbora to 8. If anyone could suggest any other fish or inverts for this community that would be great, unless its already fully stocked.
Any comment or suggestions on the setup is greatly appreciated, always happy to learn :)

Here are some pictures of the tanks progress:












Thank you for looking,

WOW! Nice tank! It's way better than my first which had no real plants and blue gravel haha. What lights/substrate are you using?
Really nice! I love how natural it looks :good: Definitely looks a lot better than my tank :lol:
Im just using the lights that came with it. Plant Pro 24W, used tropica sustrate, with all the natural minerals I think. Not a 100% sure haha.

Thanks for the comments guys!!
I've no suggestions. It's looking lovely. It's really nice to see that there are people doing their research before setting up their first tank :fun:
Looks fantastic!
As for your stock, a couple more rasboras and maybe some cherry shrimp would be good.
Sounds good, how many shrimp would I need for them to start breeding? I fancy a little project, also my lfs said they would pay for some!

Sorry to ask another question but I got my dwarf gourami just yesterday and it is swimming up next to the front glass a fair bit, is this normal or is it a sign its got ich and is itchy?


Love the look, I've just started to and wanted the natural look. I think you've got it just right!! Only thing with mine is I want a more natural gravel like yours:)
Very nice :good:

Only comment would be to maybe move the heater to the back glass so it's more hidden behind the wood and plants (or anywhere it's less noticeable).
Changed the heater round, don't know why I didn't think to do that before.
I was just wondering if adding another fish like a triple red apistogramma would be ok..there are plenty of hiding places for the fish to form their own territories. So was wondering if it would be ok?

Thanks for the comments!!


Its called marsilea hisuta, was just a random choice but it's fast growing and small!
Changed the heater round, don't know why I didn't think to do that before.
I was just wondering if adding another fish like a triple red apistogramma would be ok..there are plenty of hiding places for the fish to form their own territories. So was wondering if it would be ok?

Thanks for the comments!!



You said 60L? TBH, I think that your tank is a bit small for apistogramma. They really need to be in pairs or harems, with 2+ females, rather than single. I think that you would end up being a bit overstocked, considering the fish that you already have. If you had only a pair of apistos and maybe a few small plecs in the tank, you would probably be okay... I have a trio of triple red apisto cacs in my 200L, and they pretty much dominate the whole left side, and bottom of my tank. When they breed, they go after everything in my tank.

Great looking tank though! :good:

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