My First Ever Tank


New Member
Feb 18, 2009
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I will try to get a picture of my new tank up as sson as i can but at the moment my camera is broken.
In my tank i have 1 fantail and 5 danioes.
The tank i have is the baby bi-orb (15 liters). :good:

What kind of fish do you have in your tank?

I have cold water fish in my tank and tyhey are doing very well.

I used to have a pleco but it was always hiding under the rocks and it died. :rip:

What fish do you have and how are they doing?
Hi and welcome to the fishforums, is the fantail a guppy?

i hate to be the one who says this but i dont think your danios are well suited to your tank.

sorry to hear about your pleco, however, dont get another as they grow far to big for your tank

And for you i have

1 45 litre tank with 2 corydoras, 9 harlequin rasboras
1 45 litre tank which is my current project, will have 6-8 pygmy cories and 8 dwarf rasboras

What kind of fish do you have in your tank?


I have cold water fish and they are doing very well.

What fish do you have and how are they doing.

Thanks for welcoming me to this.

I have 6 African Cichlids, ranging from many different species. You can check my profile for what kind they are.

And then I have 2 Lace Catfish, bottom dwellers.

Hi and welcome to the fishforums, is the fantail a guppy?

i hate to be the one who says this but i dont think your danios are well suited to your tank.

sorry to hear about your pleco, however, dont get another as they grow far to big for your tank

And for you i have

1 45 litre tank with 2 corydoras, 9 harlequin rasboras
1 45 litre tank which is my current project, will have 6-8 pygmy cories and 8 dwarf rasboras

Im not trying to sound rude but my fantail is a goldfish.

I didn't think my danioes were right for the tank either but they seem to be doing well :hyper:
Hi jackatron and Welcome to the forums!

Danios are tropical fish (kept with a heater usually) and the goldfish is a coldwater species.

The recommended tank size for a single goldfish is 30 US gallons (114 Liters) and each added goldfish requires an additional 10 US gallons. There are a number of reasons for this guideline. The main one is that these goldfish (carp) naturally grow to more than a foot in length, with a large body mass, so they need a big tank and even 30 gallons is a pretty extreme minimum for them. Suppressing the mature size of a fish via too small a tank is physically unhealthy for it. They are also a pretty high metabolism fish and need a large surface area for oxygen as they are busy consuming more food than typical tropicals and they produce more waste. I believe they benefit from better filtration and more water changes than trops. They are ideal in a pond environment.

Danios are a high speed horizontal swimmer species and ideally need those long horizontal spaces to pick up speed. They are, however, a pretty flexible fish and will behave in a pretty healthy manner in most situations, leading one to think they are doing ok.

There are any number of other members here with baby biorb experience and I'm sure they'll share their experiences with you. Any number of interesting setups are possible, just perhaps not ideally with the particular fish you've started out with.


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