My first Crowntail...


Fish Crazy
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Tx
So, I got my first crowntail for only $4 cause the lady didn't know they were any different from the common VT's. While I was setting up his new home, I had him in a suction cup "betta house" in a 10 gallon. I use the 10 gallon for guppy fry, and there's also a sailfin dalmation molly I stuck in there cause he harassed all the mollies in my other tank. Well, about halfway through setting up the 2.5 gallon, I look over and the CT had jumped out of the plastic divider and was swimming alongside the sailfin molly. Neither of them had any fin damage, so I decided to let him swim around in there for a bit. They hardly notice each other! This has got to be the most passive betta I've ever seen. There's no noticable casualties in my guppy fry... though it does get hard to count them :crazy: We're going on two days of them being together, no signs of aggression/nipping/stess and a very active betta!

I suppose I'll let them swim and be friends until there's any sign of discomfort. Has anyone ever had a male betta get along so well with other fish too?
Wow, only $4? Nice find! :)

One of my Bettas gets along great in a 35 gallon tank with many Goldfish... I guess it's all about the Bettas personality... I know my other guys wouldn't tolerate another fish near them!

Anyway, congrats and take some pictures!! :thumbs:
IME bettas get along fine with other fish, except for other bettas and guppies. But I prefer to keep them on their own just to be on the safe side ;)

Congrats on the new CT :thumbs: and yes, we wanna see pictures :shifty:
As per request, here's my new baby! :D




SuckerLove86 said:
I can already feel it.... this is the beginning of a betta addiction. :lol:
I've only had Yuki for a week and I already want another :rolleyes: I'm sure I'll be ok up until I see a crowntail, then I'll be doomed and will be stuck spending a day figuring out where exactly I'm going to put a new tank.
wow! that is one fantastic looking crownie!

Congrats on your find and for a good price too :D
NICE find.
I'd separate him, though.
One morning you will probably awake to fish parts.
that's just my opinion, though.

he's a BEAUTIFUL fish! :wub:
I agree. Speaking from experience here, Bettas that take to community tanks often do so for a short while, then things change. I've seen them do well in a community for a few days, and then they get aggressive toward fish that don't give them a wide berth. Not to say that some folks haven't had long-term success with a Betta in a community, I'm sure some have, but I don't think it's a good idea to bank on it. Always have a backup plan, even if it appears to be working.

I keep one of my betta with 4 pigmy cories and a few amano shrimp. He is just fine and enjoys his tankmates.

He can stare at them without moving for a while. I find it so funny.

Sometime, the cories actually school with the betta too :D
I didn't mention it, but it is true that fairly often people report cohabiting a Betta succesfully with bottom-dwellers (like cories or shrimp). I think if a Betta with tankmates can work long term, this is the best bet. But I have heard stories of this turning out bad as well. Quite some time ago someone on these boards had a snail/Betta conflict that resulted in the Betta getting badly hurt when it's face got squished in the closing shell door while antagonizing the snail.

All I'm saying is: have a backup plan. B)


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