My First Cory eggs!


it's a shame stupidity isn't painfull
Jan 9, 2006
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6am when i was awoken by my little terror bundle of joy and we headed downstairs. i was greeted by many eggs stuck to the front of my tank. i've only had my cory's a few months and i wasnt really expecting to have them spawn for a year atleast. however, battle stations!

step 1: PAANIC

Step 2: i read some tips online and started off trying to scrape them off the class with an old amazon gift card. i drained a lil tank water into some tupperware, added the horrible blue stuff and an airstone

Step 3: housing, everything i read online told me a seperate breeding tank should be used cos nets are rubbish, no problem, pets at home opens at 10am, i can wait three hours.

step 4. refuse to spend £26 on a 13l tank

step 5, go round the corner to asda and buy a nice big storage container for a fiver

step 6, fill the storage container with tank water and a small heater and sponge filter you keep for emergencys

step 7 relax!

bonus step. forget to turn the hose off when filling the big tank back up and thrill the wife with the soaking wet brand new carpet :crazy:

overall i had quite an eventful morning but im quite chuffed with the end results. i rekon im expecting around 70 wigglers. i have a few (unproven) tips for anyone going through suprise cory breeding...

gift card for the eggs is a rubbish idea, use your fingers.

the eggs are very sticky, patience is key. try and leave them a lil bit after theyre laid, they harden up. i lost a few to squish :(

if youre corys have helpfully put eggs EVERYWHERE, a very useful trick is to get yourself a sniffer angel fish, they'll show you where the snacks eggs are

dont misplace your airstone and spend an hour loking for it
Congratulations!! Love cory wrigglers, I'm so broody, wanting my cories to spawn again!

I bought four bronzes to add to an existing two in an established tank, and they shocked the heck out of me by spawning while in quarantine! I'd never bred an egg layer before, hadn't planned that! I lost a lot of eggs to fungus, so be religious about checking them and removing any fungused eggs. Hopefully you'll have a higher yield than I did since you had the MB handy. I didn't have any then, and alder cones also took a few days to arrive. Still, I have an additional seven young cories in my school from that surprise spawn, so I'm happy with those!

I'm guessing since you had so many eggs, and stuck to glass, that yours are bronze cories as well?

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