My First Bite From Betty The Boa


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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Like a fool I had a rat in my hand whilst movingthe boas hide, she struck and bit my thumb and apart from the fact I panicked like a girl it bleeding hurt!! lol

The wife found it hilarious as I;d just been scaring her with the rat


I feel your pain! I used to feed one of my snakes live mice all the time -- would dangle them by the tail and have him hit them out of mind hand.

One time I used a dead mouse, not thinking about the whole fact that snakes hunt by heat too, and the snake latched on to my finger! She held on for about 3 minutes, and everytime I tried to touch her head, she just kept gnawing deeper in.

My advice if they ever latch on --- run their head until cold water for a tick and they let go pretty quickly :)

And have fun fishing the teeth out of your finger!
Now, see, I would have paid to see the "panic like a girl" video. :lol: Why wasn't the wife on camera duty?
cheers for the advice about the cold tap, may come in handy one day as shes only a baby at 5ft and 1500grammes when shes a lot heavier and longer it will definately hurt more

Cheers for the sympathy Lissette lol
No simpathy from me, I'm a firm believer in karma (plus you still have your finger so theres no real harm done :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Maybe next time you wont go teasing the OH with a dead rodent. :D
No simpathy from me, I'm a firm believer in karma (plus you still have your finger so theres no real harm done :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Maybe next time you wont go teasing the OH with a dead rodent. :D

it was fun though!! ha
although i only had a 6ft corn snake, he did nip me once, and though it didnt hurt it was quite a shock and surprise. i was always careful not to stick my hand in the tank unexpectedly, quickly, or smelling of meat :lol: and he only 'constricted' my arm once. again, was a bit of a shock and surprisingly strong. however more often he was totally soft, slinking up my shirt to keep warm while i was watching tv. obviously not when he was 6ft long :lol:

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