MY FIRST BETTAS!!!!!!!!!!!

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I LOVE the colours you have there :wub:
The betta that I have really belongs to my brother but I do all the water changes, he just feeds it. That's ok with me though I lOVE looking at his beautiful betta anyway... so I'm planning on getting him more betta. I don't care that I have to water change..hehe.
Nice bettas! Out of curiousity though, did you use a flash on the first one? If so does he look different in real life? I just wondered because one of my bettas, Cage, is a deep red with hints of blue in person, but if I use the flash he looks just like your new one in the first picture. Interesting...let me know! ;)
Sorrell~ Yes he looks like that in person, The picture is a little brighter because I think there is a little flash in the setting. I use the fast action setting, but I won't give up all my picture secrets. :shifty: He looks like what you described of your betta in person when I use flash!! ;)

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