My First Bettas! They Are Adorable!


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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my dad said "no more fish till after christmas" but when i saw the bettas at my LFS (they finally got some) i fell in love with them, i eventually persuaded my dad to let me get 2, i got a boy and a girl :p

Anton (the boy, he's a Veil Tail):



Paladin (the girl, a Crown Plakat):

She has a cute spikey tail ;)

Anton's 9gal:

Paladin's 3 gal:

will be getting some smaller tankmates for Anton :)
in Paladin's tank, i removed the mangrove root, and added a silk plant instead :)
Anton's a lovely colour, and from what I can see of Paladin she looks lovely. :wub:

yeah :D

Anton is a gorgeous full red with black etching on each scale
Paladin has black and silverish stripes down her and her fins are red with neon powder blue stripes

Nice fish... the way, you really need to clean the back of that tank! ;)
Nice fish... the way, you really need to clean the back of that tank! ;)

haha, yeah, i will be moving Anton and Paladin into their own bowls soon, so that ank will be my hospital tank :) or a community tank B)

thanks about the fish, i will get more pics of Anton, he's so gorgeous :wub:
Aww, what cuties!! Big congrats, you'll be addicted now! :wub:
Just a note, though... CT plakats are a pretty rare find at the moment, and definitely not something that's going to show up at a LFS. I'd say Paladin is probably a veil like Anton; it's pretty common for veils to have small ray extensions on their fins, but her's are too small to be CT :nod:
Aww, what cuties!! Big congrats, you'll be addicted now! :wub:

haha, i told my dad i want more and he gave me this evil look :sly:
so i pleaded, and he said "you can after christmas" :lol:

I'd say Paladin is probably a veil like Anton; it's pretty common for veils to have small ray extensions on their fins, but her's are too small to be CT :nod:

darn :X

ah well, she's still gorgeous :wub:
he reminds me of my Sori when he was a young whippersnapper. :D

even if he's an "ugly mutt" and "undesirable", he's still my favorite. he is the whole reason why i seek to spoil my bettas with vast quantities of water and frozen/thawed things.

i like that cream/red color they sport, even if they are 'just' VTs, and they are 'so common'. :)

and your girl is quite nice as well. isn't it surprising how energetic girls are, as compared to boys?

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