My First Aquascape Finally Coming Together

Looking great m8, cant help about the defiency?... maybe its just the CO2 or the ferts are not been distrabuted evenly the korilia should help with that :)

thanks jen, i hope so - the koralia's are quite a good piece of kit i reckon. I think there might be a slight iron defficiency as some leaves are slightly brittle but i dont think a browned tip is due to lack of iron.
The only thing i can find which closely match your problem are.....

Lack of Potassium

Pinholes in leaves which slowly become larger over time. Leaves begin to curl, become yellow from edge inwards and also lose resistance to disease - add a source of potassium in powder or bottle form

Lack of Calcium

Unusual leaf shapes, which are slightly bent or twisted. Leaves are often yellow on the edges – treat with additives to increase General Hardness such as Kent Gh+

But im sure aaron or three fingers will be along at some point to give you better help :)

mmm could be potassium, thanks jen. Just a passing thought but do you have any contacts for L046's?
mmm could be potassium, thanks jen. Just a passing thought but do you have any contacts for L046's?

Depends what your after m8.... juvi's or adults?

Im currently in the process of selling mine :( hard decision but to many tanks are becoming a pain lol so scaling down and these are with the scale down lol....there currently on ebay.

other than that m8 theres a few on here ..windy, strap but you could try PF there will be alot more that will have fry available.
oh dear that must be a tough choice!!!!!!

Sorry, PF?

Juvi's are fine, cheaper and i get the enjoyment of watching them grow. I've seen your two listed on ebay, there seems to be plenty of interest, have you got the papers to varify that it is wild caught?

There is a guy selling one in lancashire which is much closer to home but i know that yours will be second to none.
oh dear that must be a tough choice!!!!!!

Sorry, PF?

Juvi's are fine, cheaper and i get the enjoyment of watching them grow. I've seen your two listed on ebay, there seems to be plenty of interest, have you got the papers to varify that it is wild caught?

There is a guy selling one in lancashire which is much closer to home but i know that yours will be second to none.

PF= pleco fanatics m8 :)

No they dont come with papers (as far as im aware none of them do) but a full grown adult 5-6 years old is 90% chance of been wild anyways, and this one originally came from a very good source ;)

Yeh theres alot of interest on the adult male it's basically at the reserve price within 1 day lol so hopefully it will go to a very good home, then again if someone is willing to pay what i want they arnt just after a nice fish the chances of going to a breeding colony are extreamly high :)

tough choice yep ...amazingly tough :( but when im better suited ill have some more anyways :) once you've had them once you will always have them again :)
it can't be co2, drop checker shows a lime green with a slight yellowish tinge. Must be iron, i'll order some off AE.
it can't be co2, drop checker shows a lime green with a slight yellowish tinge. Must be iron, i'll order some off AE.

distribution might not be ok though, i would wait until you have the koralia in place. Or try moving the DC around the tank/ next to the plant developing symptoms. Is it just one plant?

Dont order iron as liquid form, buy some iron sulphate. much cheaper. ;)
thanks for that. No its just one leaf on one plant that has a brown tip, i will cut it off once i've figured out whats wrong with it, its centraly placed so gets plenty of circulation around it, the leaves on my bleheri are slightly brittle too. I'll wait for the Koralia because the circulation in that tank isn't great.
#### that tank is stunning :D What are you dosing as we should have similar water so will be interested to know...
#### that tank is stunning :D What are you dosing as we should have similar water so will be interested to know...

:lol: thanks Keenonfish, the water from Leeds will no doubt be quite different from the water in Manchester, if you go onto your water providers website you can see a detailed list of your water parametres, all apart from PH which for some reason most water boards, especially yorkshire water are reluctant to give out.

It's a 100L, maybe slightly more and i keep the dosing simple, 2ml of TPN+ and 3ml of TPN daily, at the beginning i used to dose 10ml of easycarbo daily to keep the algae down but the tank has now settled into a nice routine and algae is minimal - touch wood!!!! The only slight defficiency i seem to be getting is Iron, some leaves are a little bit brittle, but other than that the tank is in great condition. Thanks again for your comment mate, its stuff like that which really makes it all worth while.

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