My Favorite Setup From 2004


Fish Fanatic
Aug 21, 2007
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
Here are some pics of a set up I had back in 2004 P1010025a.jpgP1010026a.jpg[attachment=


  • P1010027a.jpg
    13.3 KB · Views: 24
it's a vallis sp. isnt it?
Yes its giant vallis grows like mad I was canstantly cutting it back and it spreads really quickly.
I actually had 30 cardinal tetras in there but they were not in the photo, but looked great when all shoaling together.
May well do a similar set up again.
Thanks Yetti
yeah nice set up,looks quite natural sometimes we try to hard i think
yeah nice set up,looks quite natural sometimes we try to hard i think
Thanks, I try to plant as much as possible and make it look like a natural habitat, my kids however (bless them)
want me to put divers and those giraffe heads that bubble!!!! in.
will have to set them a tank up one day.
wow great setup are you planing on getting anymore fish? whats the full stocking numbers?
That setup was back in early 2004 had a year away from fish since, but wanting to do the same again,
just been looking at discus today.
There was 30 cardinal tetras, rummy nose and harliquins 8 young discus, yes I was proud of that setup.
sorry only just seen the date, you have inspired me to have one similar when i have the time money and space that is :good: so you got any tanks going again now?

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