My Fake Garden


New Member
Mar 2, 2009
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Maybe I should give live plants a try :rolleyes:

46 gallon bow front semi-brackish (~1.002)
2 Archers
4 Tiger Barbs
1 Senegal Bichir
1 Pleco

5 gallon eclipse corner tank with a baby figure 8 puffer... he is camera shy, but you can barely see him behind the plant.
Hey! I have a 46 gallon bow front with the same root ornaments and fake plants too! Haha, yours looks nice :good:
the archers look well

how does the plec get on in the slightly brackish water? I would have thought that would not be too healthy for it
the archers look well

how does the plec get on in the slightly brackish water? I would have thought that would not be too healthy for it
also agree salt doesnt burn plecos but it does put pressure on their kidneys and liver when removing salts and it can lead to a premature death
The pleco seems to be doing fine at 1.002. I doubt he would like it if I raised the salinity. But 1.002 is basically fresh, just a touch of salt to make the archers feel more at home.

Maybe I can tone this down as they mature a bit since Archers are supposed to be fully fresh as adults... that would make everyone happy.
the archers look well

how does the plec get on in the slightly brackish water? I would have thought that would not be too healthy for it
also agree salt doesnt burn plecos but it does put pressure on their kidneys and liver when removing salts and it can lead to a premature death

I guess it change the water potential changing the rate of osmisis of water in and out of the cells due to a decrease in the concentration gradient. However with a 1.002 I don't think its going to change the water potential dramatically and I would have thought the plec would do fine. hmm.. its a puzzler... :blink:

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