My External Has Water In The Uv Tube!


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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Just cleaned my external filter which is a Resun cyclone 280u. It has a large glass tube in the centre which contains the uv bulb. The tube had lots of water in it and the tube had corroded and snapped off. it stunk inside the tube and I have obviously thrown th bulb out

this filter is crap and I would not recommend it to anyone, I've had it 10 months and one clasp has snapped as have the connectorss which connect the tube to the filter the plastics are just so brittle1!

is it dangerous to my fish now that the uv tube has seperated and the tube leaks?
More importantly is there any chance of electrocution?

Do you have a grounding wire under your substrate in the main tank? all of you should.
Does the tube have wires leading to it or away from it where the bulb was?
Are they exposed?
What caused the smell?
Now that its broken, did it cause a leak?

Pictures? they always help. not online pics of the filter, you taking pics of the damage.

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