Hi, i was wondering if anybody else has managed to pull off an experiment like this with an aquarium.
I have always loved oranda's esp black moores, but in my most recent tank setup i started with a redcap, panda and shub oranda's in a tall 3 foot tank with the intention of keeping coldwater only. then looking around for some small fish to go with my others i came across white mountain minos and danios, who will withstand cold and low range tropical temps. this got me thinking, so in my local petshop i found a tank of paradise fish in the cold water section, on asking about them they too will withstand lower tropical temps. i now have mino's, danio's, paradise & neon tetra all living very happily with each other, not forgetting the addition of a black moore to the other 3 oranda's.
so, i was wondreing if anybody else has managed to do anything simular with a cross of cold and tropical, i was also hoping to add a primedela pictus to the collection and maybe a few angles if i boost the temp a bit, as it is a tall tank.
Cheers. C17
I have always loved oranda's esp black moores, but in my most recent tank setup i started with a redcap, panda and shub oranda's in a tall 3 foot tank with the intention of keeping coldwater only. then looking around for some small fish to go with my others i came across white mountain minos and danios, who will withstand cold and low range tropical temps. this got me thinking, so in my local petshop i found a tank of paradise fish in the cold water section, on asking about them they too will withstand lower tropical temps. i now have mino's, danio's, paradise & neon tetra all living very happily with each other, not forgetting the addition of a black moore to the other 3 oranda's.
so, i was wondreing if anybody else has managed to do anything simular with a cross of cold and tropical, i was also hoping to add a primedela pictus to the collection and maybe a few angles if i boost the temp a bit, as it is a tall tank.
Cheers. C17