My Experiment


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
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Hi, i was wondering if anybody else has managed to pull off an experiment like this with an aquarium.

I have always loved oranda's esp black moores, but in my most recent tank setup i started with a redcap, panda and shub oranda's in a tall 3 foot tank with the intention of keeping coldwater only. then looking around for some small fish to go with my others i came across white mountain minos and danios, who will withstand cold and low range tropical temps. this got me thinking, so in my local petshop i found a tank of paradise fish in the cold water section, on asking about them they too will withstand lower tropical temps. i now have mino's, danio's, paradise & neon tetra all living very happily with each other, not forgetting the addition of a black moore to the other 3 oranda's.

so, i was wondreing if anybody else has managed to do anything simular with a cross of cold and tropical, i was also hoping to add a primedela pictus to the collection and maybe a few angles if i boost the temp a bit, as it is a tall tank.

Cheers. C17 :thumbs:
I have kept white clouds and danios with goldfish in an unheated tank until we got our first tropical tank when the danios took a trip to warmer climes :)

I wasnt aware that neon tetras could live incold water though as they arent as hardy as minnows or danios :blink: Shows what I know:p

Still, good luck with your experiment, I hope all the fish live long happy lives :)
In a experiment some local fishkeeper and I tried at a local breeders tanks,

Was to use a very big tank , I think the lengh was 25meters we heated the tank from the left with no current moving the water. the water far left was heated to 30deg and to the far right was 12deg, We added Paradise fish, lots of angles, some mixed tetras and some female bettas.

after 8 days
Most of the tetras stayed in the 22-26deg space of the tank most of the bettas stayed upper part of the 24-28deg part, the angles was everywhere from the 30deg down to 16deg, but all the paradise fish stayed in the 20-24deg section of the tank, they never wondered into anything colder??

The space between 30 and 29deg was 1.3 meters but the space between 14-12deg was 8meters

as for discus the experiment is currently running for 4 days and last night I looked there was not a single discus in temp higher that 25 deg.?? thats more than 6meters away from the heaters, more then most tanks
I'll only be goning there the weekend but I'll get the reading of the discus if they are not there anymore.

makes you think??

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