My electric blue


Apr 10, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
Heres a few pics of my electric blue crayfish.



Thanks comedykicks

I just noticed you can see a blur of the river chub in the tank, and a guppy near the mid right upper side of the pic.

He's gorgeous, shame they are illegal here, I'd love to have one, what a beauty. :wub:
I was told that they are illegal to "sell" here the LFS. :huh:
They accidently received an order of them and decided to sell them quickly as they could.
I helped them out. :D
I really need to buy a better camera, this 2.0 Mp really doesnt justify the true colors of her.
She's actually got a lot of purple in the tail end, and wee little purple polka dots on her body.
At least, I think it's a she :dunno:
Sometimes, but not always, that can be true. Generally the female has a wider tail near the end as well, believed to be so she can carry the number of eggs she will produce. The only way non experts can tell for sure are the two hockey stick looking things after the last set of legs on the male which the female does not have.
Nice, always good to know what sex they are. You'll likely notice her hiding more than a male would. Be neat to watch her produce eggs even if they are not fertile.
She's always hiding, except first thing in the morning when the lights come on and later in the evening around 5 PM.
She knows its feeding time.
Once and awhile she'll come out and venture around the plants, climbing them abd falling off them gently to the floor of the aquarium, it's actually quite funny looking.

At night, I turn my Blue LED's on and she'll come out to play.
She'll sit on the top of the cave I made and dangle her claws over the edge, hoping to catch a stray unsuspecting fish that swims by. :look:

Out of the 7 aquariums I have set up, hers is the most interesting to watch. :D

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